As of 12.12.24 Universe Spirit is going through MAJOR upgrades creating this new website!

During the transition to our new website and upgraded mission, some links on this website will take you to our new website, which is also under construction. Some links on our new website will also take you back to this older website.











We estimate the transition to our new website will take 6 to 12 months. Why are reorganizing all of the Universe Spirit materials under the central theme of "Discover the Way of the Universe," is partially explained here.

During this new theme evolution process, we have to fix broken links and make many additions, edits, and deletions to bring all of our older materials up to date and in alignment with our new Discover the Way of the Universe theme. We still have to transfer about 1,000 pages from the old website to our new one.

Our new website is definitely not yet ready for the general public or daily operations. However, we allow some current members, advisors, and visitors to check out our new website from specific links on our old website. (If our old site gives you a random error message, we are still trying to fix and you can't see our old website, click your refresh button, and the entire old webpage should appear. To return to our new website from the old website, click your Back button or click on the Way of the Universe link at the top of the old website home page.)

During this mission and website transition, we highly recommend you click here and go to our Universe Spirit Facebook page and Follow this page.

Following the Universe Spirit Facebook page will automatically send you our newest posts during this transition. Those posts will help keep you focused, motivated, and connected to your own practice and with our mission's evolutionary progress.

Click here now and take a quick look at all of the thoughtful and inspiring great posts on our Universe Spirit Facebook page!

If you are a new visitor, be sure to sign up here! About once every several months, we will send you our free newsletter, and we will consider you a new member of this fantastic, evolving organization.

As you move between this new website and our old website during construction, you will discover numerous incongruities in language phrasing as we work towards smoothing everything out to integrate with our new Way of the Universe theme. You should be able to understand how even our older website materials support our new theme, even though the older language that has not been upgraded yet --- will be clunky.

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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers