Your Universe Spirituality FAQ
Last updated 12.26.24.
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Step 1. If you have not done so already, please click this Join/Subscribe link or the one at the top of the page, and we will keep you informed of Universe Spirit events and important updates.
Step 2. We also strongly recommend you Follow our Universe Spirit page on Facebook. Here is why. Posts on our Facebook page are automatically sent to you, and it is the best way to keep up with all of the good things going on during the construction of our new website and our Way of the Universe transition. If you do not follow our Facebook page, you will miss most of the updates and the motivational and uplifting postings on our page. (Click the link in the previous sentence to Follow us on Facebook.)
FAQ questions and answers about creating your science-grounded spirituality
"The Way of the Universe" can also include a new form of personal spirituality we call Universe Spirituality (aka Evolution Spirituality in our older materials and materials that have not yet been updated). This personalized new form of spirituality provides a science-grounded, life-affirming set of practices and values that point to a new, more accurate personal identity and origin story.
All FAQ topics links below are coded by the difficulty and complexity of the material. Scan through the list of the main topics below and then begin your next steps exploring Universe Spirit by what interests you most!
We strongly recommend going to intermediate or advanced materials once you have a good grasp of our basic beginner materials! The intermediate and advanced materials are intended solely for dedicated students and members with a solid understanding of basic beginning-level materials.
Sometimes, the section titles below will tell you the difficulty of all the materials in that section. Sometimes, there are additional codes at the end of the links listing the difficulty of those materials.
The material difficulty codes are as follows:
1.) beginner (B)
2.) Intermediate (I,)
3.) advance (A,) and,
4. teacher/co-founder (TC.)
Other Content Ratings:
In some areas, we have added the following content codes. [R2.0] is for mostly all-new Universe Spirituality materials, [R1.5] is for mostly older Spirituality version 1.5 materials, and [R1.0] is for mostly the oldest Spirituality version 1.0 materials. If there is no content rating, you can assume that it is primarily the new Universe Spirituality material.
The various FAQ sections below also can be used as check sheets for study groups.
Universe Spirituality FAQ Main Sections
All main topic sections at the beginning level are found below. (The linked items for these sections are found further down the page at the end of this topics list.)
A. Click here for a brief but necessary introductory explanation and overview of the spirituality found at Universe Spirit and within the Way of the Universe, which we forward with those of a spiritual nature.
1. How do I start the Beginning Level Practices of Universe Spirituality?
2. What Are the "Right Actions" that Are Used Daily by Practitioners of Universe Spirituality?
3. What are the"Right Attitudes" that are Used Daily by Practitioners of Evolution Spirituality?
4. What are the Spiritual Safeguards Used in Universe Spirituality?
5. How to Get the Basic Practices of Universe Spirituality into Your Life to Experience Its Benefits.
6. Understanding the Vital Role of Science in Universe Spirituality.
7. The Sustainable Prosperity Principles of Universe Spirituality.
8. The Vital Role of Eco-Spirituality within Universe Spirituality.
9. What are the New Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens of the Universe Spirituality movement?
10. The Universe Spirit Eco-communities, Universe One
11. How to Get Assistance in Learning and Using the Beginning Ideas of Universe Spirituality.
12. The Key Spiritual Principles and Position Papers of Universe Spirituality.
13. The Key Secular Positions of Universe Spirituality.
14. Our New Terminology and Definitions Critical to Understanding Universe Spirituality.
15. Organizational and Administrative Aspects of Universe Spirituality.
16. Get The Free Job One for Humanity Plan Here.
17. About the Integral Spirituality Included Within Universe Spirituality.
Sections For Beginning Level Universe Spirituality Materials
(This beginning FAQ section can be used as an individual study check sheet or even as basic Evolution Spirituality training materials. At the end of this section is an action list for what you can do to get started practicing Evolution Spirituality at the beginner level.)
How do I Get Started with the Begining Level Practices of Universe Spirituality?
The nine Evolution Spirituality getting started steps below are listed in the optimal order they should be done. When you have finished them we hope you will want to become a member of Universe Spirit.
1. If you have not done so already, click here for the Evolution Spirituality Beginners Introduction and Quick Overview Booklet. (B)
2. Try one of the short, easy one-minute or other relationship meditations of Evolution Spirituality. (I)
3. Read and try to live Evolution Spirituality's core spiritual practice found within the short-form Right Actions and the Right Attitudes for healthy, effective, and sustainable living derived from the Universe Principles. At the end of about 30 days, you will notice both the significant and subtle changes in your world and other important changes in your awareness, attitude, and actions. (This will help you quickly decide if there are tangible and important benefits in Evolution Spirituality for your life as it is today!)
If you do experience important benefits from step three above then, click here and see if you are ready to make an important commitment to advancing your fullest possible evolution.
5. Learn how you can know whether your new Evolution Spirituality practices are effective in these values and virtues. (B)
7. Go to the Job One for Humanity multi-step plan and pick the single easiest plan step for you to begin. Begin it soon, and after you have done that easy first step, go on to the next easiest step, etc. There are important easy starting steps in the Job One for Humanity plan that you can do to make a real difference! (If you have not yet signed the global warming emergency petition to our leaders, please do so here.)
8. Review why an Evolution-Grounded Genesis Story is Important to Every Spiritual Individual. (B)
9. Read the book EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution by Elisabet Sahtouris. This book is a life-changer and great for a basic scientific understanding of the "big picture" basics of how the whole universe has evolved over the last 13.7 billion years. It is an amazing read of how evolution shows us over and over again that it is not "survival of the fittest," but the survival of the most wisely cooperative. This book also contains the core of the new Genesis story used within Evolution 2.0, and its Universe Evolutionary Worldview to help us inform (or realign) our sense of individual and collective origin, identity, and purpose as Evolutioneers. (B)
Congratulations! You are now a practitioner of the key basics of Evolution Spirituality. When you are ready, please review the FAQ sections and links in the rest of the beginner sections. Start with the ones that look most interesting to you about the other qualities and attributes of Evolution Spirituality.
What Are the "Right Actions," which Are Used Daily by Practitioners of Universe Spirituality
This section contains mostly beginner 'level materials.
Introducing the Right Actions of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)
The Master List of Right Actions from the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B( (I)
What the New Universe Principles of Sustainability will do for Your Life! (B)
The Universe Principles and Our Key Human Virtues (B)
The Universe Principles and the Open Source Model (I) (A)
What are the"Right Attitudes," which are Used Daily by Practitioners of Universe Spirituality
This section contains mostly beginner 'level materials.
Introducing the Right Attitudes of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)
The Master List of Right Attitudes of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)
What the Universe Principles of Right Attitude and Right Action Will do for Your Life! (B)
The Benefits of Using the Universe Principles of Right Attitude and Right Action (B)
The Universe Principles' Right Attitudes and Human Virtues (B)
Why the Right Attitudes Work so Well (I) (A)
How the Universe Principles of Right Attitude Relate to Justice and Energy Management (I) (A)
The Universe’s Core Evolutionary Value-Interests (A)
Important Footnotes, Research and Science Notes and Details for the Universe Principles (I) (A)
What are the Essential Spiritual Safeguards Used in Universe Spirituality
This section contains mostly beginner and some intermediate materials. It is important because there is so much abuse and craziness in the world of religion and spirituality!
What are the qualities of Healthy Spiritual Practices? (B) [R1.5]
How can I know whether my spiritual practices are effective? (B) [R1.5]
How does the Open-Source Practice of "Forking" Protect The Evolution Spirituality Movement? (B)
What are the warning signs of unhealthy or dangerous spiritual practices? (B) [R1.5]
What are the warning signs of a destructive cult? (B) [R1.5]
Who is vulnerable to mind control tactics in spiritual organizations? (B) [R1.5]
What is the definition of mind control? (B)
What are the main coercive mind control tactics? (B)
How does coercive mind control work? (B)
Common questions and answers about mind control in spiritual settings (B) [R1.5]
Do spiritual practices have any valid use for mind control? (B)***
Do you have a code of ethics for your Evolution Spirituality "Life and Spirit" ministers, facilitators, teachers, and Spiritual Guides? (B)
Please Note: The Spiritual Safeguards listed just above are also a supportive adjunct to the Open Source Spirituality core kernel of Evolution Spirituality. (I)
How to Bring the Beginning Level Ideas and Practices of Universe Spirituality into Your Life and Start Experiencing Its Benefits
What are the Key Fundamentals of spirituality? (B)
What is Evolution Spirituality?
What does Evolution Spirituality Expect from you? (B)
What are the four most basic facts, actions, and attitudes of Evolution Spirituality? (B)
Why is Evolution Spirituality's unique emphasis on open spiritual sharing and collaboration vital to spiritual development and spiritual diversity? (B)
What is the great spiritual news and new hope offered by Evolution Spirituality? (B)
What are the Three Great Adventures for a successful, meaningful, and sustainable life forwarded by Evolution Spirituality? (B)
What does the Universe Symbol used on your websites symbolize and mean? click here. (B)
For Whom is Evolution Spirituality Best Suited? (B)
What other kinds of people are often attracted to Evolution Spirituality? (B)
Why Evolution Spirituality Now?
What are the three most critical areas of human knowledge that are needed for achieving life and spiritual success in Evolution Spirituality? (B)
Why are the principles of sustainable prosperity promoted so strongly within Evolution Spirituality? (B)
What is Job One for Humanity, and why is it Evolution Spirituality's key social action program for sustaining and stewarding the environment and mitigating global warming and climate destabilization? (B)
What are the Core Spiritual Practices of an Evolution Spirituality Lifestyle? (B) (I)
Can I be a member of Evolution Spirituality and also remain a member of my current religious denomination? (B)
How do I become a member or volunteer? (B)
What are the Key Books for Beginners Level 1 and 2? (B)
To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.
Understanding the Foundational Role of Science in Universe Spirituality
This section contains beginner, intermediate, and some advanced materials.
What is the definition of evolution science and evolutionary science?
What general benefits can one expect to receive from the science-grounded Evolution Spirituality? (B)
What science-grounded hope does Evolution Spirituality offer because it is derived in significant part from Evolution 2.0? (B)
How and why is evolutionary science the core foundation of this new Evolution Spirituality and this evolutionary emergence in spirituality? (B)
What does the balanced integration of science and spirituality mean in Evolution Spirituality? (B)
What is the Evolution Spirituality's Science-Grounded Genesis Story? (B)
What is the Relationship Between Evolution Spirituality and the Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (B)
Does evolution have a progressive direction, and why is it critical to understanding how to create a successful and meaningful secular and spiritual life? (For information on what progressive evolution is, click here.) (I) (A)
The Sustainable Prosperity Principles of Universe Spirituality
Creating a sustainable and equitable future for all is the key to a survivable future. This section will help you understand the basics of how to do that.
The New Short Definition of Sustainable Prosperity
Why the Sustainable Prosperity Revolution Now and the Full Sustainable Prosperity Definition.
How You Can Promote Sustainable Prosperity to Create a Sustainable Economy
Some Advanced Concepts of Sustainable Prosperity
To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.
The Vital Role of Eco-Spirituality in Universe Spirituality
Why the Evolution Spirituality Eco-Spirituality Principles are Important for Anyone Religious Concerned about Global Warming and Climate Destabilization? (B)
What is Eco-Spirituality in the Evolution Spirituality Upgrade? (B)
How is Eco-Spirituality Grounded in Science and Evolution? (B)
How can I Read and Explore More About the Eco-Spirituality of Evolution Spirituality? (B)
What are the New Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens of the Universe Spirituality movement?
Universe Spirit is a community that both supports and creates Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens some of which have a spiritual nature. Understanding what these two terms mean and what values and actions they imply will give you a good feel for our community. A very quick way to understand these two concepts it's to see them as very close to and exceeding the best universal and human values that many people have seen in the Star Trek movies and TV series.
What is an Evolutioneer? Why Are They Important for a Better Future? (I)
What is an Evolutioneers' Great Commitment? (I)
What do individuals do that call themselves Evolutioneers or Evolutionaries? (I)
What is the Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I)
What is the Universe Declaration of Rights for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I)
What is the Universe Charter for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I)
What are the universe "big picture" attitudes of a Universe Citizen, Planetary Evolutioneer, Evolutionary, and Planetary Citizen, click here. (I)
What are the universe "big picture" action principles of a Universe Citizen, Planetary Evolutioneer, Evolutionary, and Planetary Citizen, click here. (I)
What are the universe-scaled meta-perspectives of a Universe Citizen, Planetary Evolutioneer, Evolutionary, and Planetary Citizen, click here. (I)
How does a Universe Citizen and Planetary Evolutioneers see a planetary government for Earth? (I)
Most members eventually also see themselves as Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, and Planetary Citizens. (I)(A)
What is a Universe Citizen, and what does universe citizenship entail? (I)
What do Planetary Citizens know and do? (I)
To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.
The New Universe Spirit Eco-communities
Click Here to see The Vision, Principles, and Structure for Universe Eco-communities.
After you have read the above link materials, please click here to see our newest materials on Universe Eco communities at our new website. (There are four new pages of previously unseen eco-community materials here.)
How to Get Assistance in Learning and Using the Beginning Ideas of Universe Spirituality
What is your recommended Evolution Spirituality reading list? (B)
What are other areas I can explore at Universe Spirit? (B)
How do I find your Universe Spirit location(s) or attend an event? (B)
The New Universe Evolutionary Worldview and its Relationship with Universe Spirituality
This section contains beginner-level materials.
What is the summary overview of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (B)
Why is the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview so important to Evolution Spirituality? (B)
Why is the Universe Evolutionary Worldview so Important to Our Future? (B)
What are the Key Spiritual Principles and Position Papers of Universe Spirituality
What is your position on personal spiritual choice and spiritual authority? (B)
What is your position on the non-equality of all spiritual information? (B)
What is your position on the questioning of spiritual or religious faith, beliefs and practices? (B)
What is your position on Miracles? (B)
What is your position on revelation and organizational spiritual authority? (B)
What is your position on the pathologies and abuses of past and current religions? (B)***
What is your position on the importance of personalities or celebrities within the Evolution Spirituality movements? (B) ***
What is your position on polarizing individuals or groups? (B)
What is your perspective on religion itself and on the diversity of other religions? (B) ***
What is your position on a requirement of allegiance to the Evolution Spirituality movements? (B)
What are your principles concerning open dialog? (B)
What is your position on copyright ownership, commercial uses, individual recognition, patents, and trademarks concerning spiritual wisdom and the global spiritual commons? (B)
What is your position on sexuality? (I)
What are the Key Secular Positions of Universe Spirituality
What is your position on Population Management and Population Control? (B)
What is your position on global warming and climate destabilization? (B) (I)
What is your position on Evolutionary Transhumanism? (I)
What is your position on nuclear energy? (I)
What is your position on the evolutionary process itself when applied to new information and the organization? (I)
What is your position on human rights and human responsibilities? (I)
What is your position on social activism? (I)
What is your position on peace, conflict, and crisis viewed through the lens of progressive evolution? (I)
You can click here to see our updated 2021 mission goals if you have not seen them previously.
To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.
The New Or Expanded Basic Terminology and Definitions Critical to Understanding Universe Spirituality
What are the Five Key New Spiritual Definitions Used in Evolution Spirituality For All Evolution Spirituality Practitioners
The Key Organizational and Administrative Aspects of Universe Spirituality
What is the Mission of Evolution Spirituality, Universe Spirit, and the Universe Community? (B)
How Does Evolution Spirituality Enact its Mission Statement? (I)
Who created the Universe Spirit organization? (B)
What are the Goals of the Universe Spirit Organization? (B)
How do I create my own Evolution Spirituality group or center? (B
Why is Evolution Spirituality's unique emphasis on open spiritual sharing and collaboration vital to spiritual development and spiritual diversity? (B)
What are the collaboration principles used in the Evolution Spirituality movement? (I)
What is the role of the co-intelligence principles used in Evolution Spirituality and by Universe community members to expand the movement? (A)
What are some of the key principles of Evolution Spirituality? (A)
To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.
Get The Free Job One for Humanity Sustainable Prosperity and Climate Re-Stabilization Plan Here
About the Integral Spirituality Included Within Universe Spirituality
How is the core essence of Integral Spirituality also included within Evolution Spirituality at Universe Spirit? (I)
(This intermediate FAQ section can be used as an individual study check sheet or even as an Evolution Spirituality basic training materials. At the end of this section is an action list for what you can do to get started practicing Evolution Spirituality at the intermediate level.)
All main topic sections for the intermediate level are found below.
(The link items for this section are found further down the page at the end of the main topics lists.)
1. Evolution Spirituality for Intermediate Level Practitioners.
2. Intermediate Terminology and Definitions Essential to Understanding Evolution Spirituality.
3. How to Start Level 2 Intermediate Practices Found in Evolution Spirituality.
4. The Foundational Role of Science and Evolution in Evolution Spirituality.
5. Evolution is progressive. It has a direction that is critical to understand for understanding how to create a successful and meaningful life.
The Basics of UniversebSpirituality for Intermediate Level Practitioners
Why Evolution Spirituality Now? (I)
What are the basic ways in which Evolution Spirituality will help improve your life, group, and the future of life on the planet? (I)
What is the Spiritual Prime Directive of Evolution Spirituality? (I)
Try one of our short, easy meditations in Evolution Spirituality. (I)
What is Evolutionary Enlightenment as defined within Evolution Spirituality? (I)What is the difference between the New Consciousness Movement 2.0 vs. the Traditional Consciousness Movement 1.0, and How Does that Relate to Evolution Spirituality? (I)
Why is the role of creativity and art important in the Evolution Spirituality community? (B) (I)
Why are the personalized spirituality practices of Evolution Spirituality (I) ***
How do I spiritualize my desires in order to strengthen my spiritual life and Evolution Spirituality practices? (B) [R1.5]
How can I know whether my spiritual practices are effective? (B) [R1.5]
How do You Resolve Life's Important Ethical and Moral Questions from an Evolution Spirituality Evolutionary Value Perspective? (This is the simple "New Golden Rule of Evolution" and Evolution Spirituality.) (I)
What is an Evolution Spirituality Practitioners Greatest Commitment? (I)
What are the Unique Qualities of Evolution Spirituality (I)
What are the Essential Roles and Balance Between Objective Science and Subjective Personal Exploration within the Evolution Spirituality Movement? (I)
What do you mean when you use the term eco-spirituality in Evolution Spirituality? (I) [R1.5]
What is the Evolution Spirituality symbol, and what does it mean? click here. (I)
What is the full purpose of Evolution Spirituality? (I)
What are the codes of conduct for Evolution Spirituality and Universe Community members? (I)
How can I help spread Evolution Spirituality and the Universe Evolutionary Worldview in my local area? (I)
Why is it important to provide some form of fair exchange for services one receives from the Universe Spirit organization or any organization providing Evolution Spirituality services? (B)
The New Or Expanded Intermediate Terminology and Definitions Essential to Understanding UniverseSpirituality
You use the word "integral" a lot in Evolution Spirituality. What do you mean when you use the word integral? (I)
What does Evolution Spirituality mean by the words Ultimate Reality? (I)
What is Evolution Spirituality's specific description for what God means and what God's nature, purposes, etc., actually is? (I)
What do most Evolution Spirituality members mean when you use the words Ultimate Reality and Ever-Present Origin? (I)***
What do you mean by "spirit" and "spirituality" in Evolution Spirituality? (I)***
What do you mean when you use the word "universe" in Evolution Spirituality? (I)
What do you mean when you use the word patriarchal? (I) [R1.5]
What do you mean when you refer to women’s spirituality? (I) [R1.5]
What do you mean when you use the word partnerships? (I)
How to Get Started with the Level 2 Intermediate Practices Found in Universe Spirituality
Review and begin practicing one or more of the surprising core spiritual practices of Evolution Spirituality. (I)
Learn how to spiritualize your desires to strengthen your spiritual life and do the Evolution Spirituality practices. (I) [R1.5]
Learn about the basic stages of spiritual growth. (I) [R1.5]
If you have experienced Evolution Spirituality's important benefits, click here and see if you are ready to make an important commitment to advancing your fullest possible evolution. (I)
While you are reading the book in the step below, go to the Job One for Humanity multi-step plan right now and pick the next single easiest plan step for you to keep working on. After you have done that step sufficiently, go on to the next easiest step, etc. There are many important steps in the Job One for Humanity plan that you can do to make a real, local difference!
Read the following book, The Third Industrial Revolution by Jeremy Rifkin. This book will help you better understand Sustainable Prosperity's principles and inspire hope in a new future as we fix the climate destabilization crisis in Job One for Humanity.
Read the manifesto called The Evolutionary Manifesto, Our Role in the Future Evolution of Life by John Stewart. This paper contains what we need to do to become an effective practicing Evolutioneer once you have better understood the deeper directionality of evolution and its core meta-principles.
Try one of our short, easy meditations in Evolution Spirituality. (I)
Learn about the 7 Simple Key Traits of Happy People. (I)
Read the book Evolution For Everyone by David Sloan Wilson. A remarkable book that will help you to start to think like a science-grounded Evolutioneer and show you how important understanding evolution and evolutionary science is to your daily life success!
Review the FAQ links in this Intermediate section. Read the ones that look most interesting to you about all of the other qualities and attributes of Evolution Spirituality.
Read the book Thinking in Systems by Donella H Meadows. This is a good intermediate-level read on System theory. One definitely needs to understand the principles of systems theory to better understand complex adaptive evolutionary systems.
Congratulations! You are now a Level Two practitioner of Evolution Spirituality. When you have done all of the above, go on to the Advanced get started actions below.
Suggested: Review the list of Key Readings and Books for the Intermediate Evolution Spirituality Level and pick other books that interest you for your ongoing reading list? (I) ***
How to Understand the Foundational and Vital Role of Science and Evolution in Universe Spirituality
What is the evolution grounding of Evolution Spirituality, and why is it important? (I)
What is the Highest Objective Life Purpose for the Individual in Evolution Spirituality? (I)
What is the Essential Science Reading Book List for Intermediate Evolution Spirituality practitioners? (I).
Evolution is progressive. It has a direction that is critical to understand for understanding how to create a successful and meaningful life.
A Basic Progressive Evolution Definition (I) (A)
What Happens if Any of the Developmental Steps of Progressive Evolution are Interfered with or Thwarted --- The Evolutionary Meta-Pattern of Destructive Creation. (I) (A)
The Continuous Change Factor of Evolution. (I) (A)
Extinction and Progressive Evolution. (I) (A)
The Theoretical End Result, Product, or Goal of the Progressive Evolution of the Universe. (I) (A)
The Prime Directive of Evolution, (I) (A)
Progressive Evolution as an Objective Description of the Cycle and Meaning of Human Life. (I) (A)
Personal Self-Interests and Universe Evolution. (I) (A)
Our Role in an Ongoing Cosmo-Genesis. (I) (A)
More about the Basic Tensional Conflict Within Progressive Evolution. (I) (A)
The Progressive Evolution Controversy. (I) (A)
Progressive Evolution and the Inherent Conditioning Time/Space Field Qualities of the Universe. (I) (A)
Important Footnotes On Progressive Evolution and its Definition. (I) (A)
(This advanced FAQ section can be used as an individual study check sheet or even as Evolution Spirituality training materials for setting up your own self-organized Evolution Spirituality local group or center. At the end of this section is an action list for what you can do to get started practicing Spirituality at the advanced level.)
All main topic sections for the advanced level are found below.
(The link items for this section are found further down the page at the end of the main topics lists.)
1. Advanced Terminology and Definitions Essential to Advanced Understanding of Evolution Spirituality.
2. Personalized Evolution Spirituality For Advanced Students.
3. How to Start Level 3 Advanced Practices Found in Evolution Spirituality.
4. Key Secular Positions of Evolution Spirituality.
5. Key Position Papers on Government and the Governed, Economics, and Society of Evolution Spirituality. ***
The New Or Expanded Advanced Terminology and Definitions Essential to Advanced Understanding of Universe Spirituality
What do you mean when you use the word "panentheistic" with Evolution Spirituality? (A) [R1.5]
What do you mean when say that Evolution Spirituality is a meta-spirituality that transcends traditional religion as we have known it? (A)***
What do you mean when you use the open-source software term of the operational "Kernel" of Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What do you mean when you say that Evolution Spirituality is an "open source spirituality? (A)"""
Personalized Universe Spirituality For Advanced Students
What is the scope of the spiritual theology of Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What are all of the Five Levels of Practice of Evolution Spirituality? (B)(I)(A)
What are the secular and religious paradoxes of Evolution Spirituality and the organization forwarding it? (A)
What do you mean when you use the terms meta-personal spirituality to describe Evolution Spirituality? (A)***
What is the role of the classic and post-modern virtues in Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What are the Most Important Questions of Life and Existence that Evolution Spirituality Answers from a Spiritual Perspective? (A) [R1.5]
Why has Evolution Spirituality emerged into being at this particular time (with its new open-source and personalizable spirituality? (B)
What do you mean when you say that Evolution Spirituality is a balanced integration of science and spirituality? (A)
Why is both science and personalized spirituality in a healthy balance and in their appropriate relationship essential to life in Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What other spiritual movements are embraced by Evolution Spirituality? (I) [R1.5]
What are the codes of conduct for Evolution Spirituality and Universe Community members? (A)
What are the mission-critical self-organization principles that Evolution Spirituality members use? (A)
What is an Evolution Spirituality Evolutioneer? Why Are They Important for a Better Future? (A)
How to Get Started with the Level 3 Advanced Practices Found in Universe Spirituality
Answer the Most Important Questions of Life and Existence that Evolution Spirituality Answers from a Spiritual Perspective? (Begin this Journey in the preceding link. (A) [R1.5]
Try our other, longer Evolution Spirituality meditations for 30 days. (A) (This will help you expand your direct spiritual experiences with Ultimate Reality.)
Begin Reading about and developing Dialectical Meta-Systemic Thinking Skills. (A)
Begin the Key Evolution Spirituality Readings and Books for Advanced Students. (A) (Read any unread books on the preceding book list according to your interest levels. If you are going to teach or minister or create an independent Evolution Spirituality organization, you should read every book on the list while you are doing the exercises of this advanced level until you have finished the list.)
What are the Key Secular Positions of Universe Spirituality
What are the collaboration principles used in the Evolution Spirituality movement? (A)
To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.
What are your Key Position Papers on Government and the Governed, Economics, and Society of Evolution Spirituality ***
What is the Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, Evolutionaries, and Universe Community Members? (A)
What is The Universe Charter for Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, Universe Evolutionaries, and Universe community members? (A)
To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.
(This facilitator, teachers, and co-founders FAQ section can be used as an individual study check sheet or even as Evolution Spirituality training materials to understand for setting up your own self-organized local group or center. At the end of this section is an action list for what you can do to get started practicing Evolution Spirituality at the highest levels.)
All topic sections for training Spiritual Facilitators, teachers, and center co-founders are below.
(The link items for this section are found further down the page at the end of the main topics lists.)
1. Evolution Spirituality Membership and How to Become a Self-Taught and Facilitator, Teacher, or Co-Founder
2. How to Set Up Your Own Independent Evolution Spirituality Center and/or Local Universe Community.
3. The Advanced Ideas, Principles, and Practices of Evolution Spirituality For Facilitators Teachers and Co-founders.
4. The Evolution Spirituality Community.
Universe Spirituality Membership and How to Become a Self-Taught Facilitator, Teacher, or Co-Founder
How do I become a member or volunteer? (B)
Can I be a member of Evolution Spirituality and also remain a member of my current religious denomination? (B)
Do you have ministers of some kind who teach and/or perform Evolution Spirituality ceremonies? (B)
Learn about the ceremonies that are currently associated with Evolution Spirituality? (B) [R1.5]
What are the general criteria for becoming a Self-Ordained or Organizationally Ordained "Sustainability, Life and Spirit teacher, minister or facilitator in the Evolution Spirituality Movement? (B)
What is the code of ethics for Evolution Spirituality's "Sustainability, Life and Spirit" facilitators, ministers, and teachers? (I)
What is the Recommended Book List of Evolution Spirituality Reading for Teachers and Ministers? (A)
How to Set Up Your Own Independent EUniverse Spirituality Center and/or Local Universe Community
Click here for the latest updates on creating your own Universe eco-community. It contains current locations, member qualifications, and other new info not found below.
How do I create my own Universe Community or Evolution Spirituality group or center? (B, I)
What practical art-of-living skills courses could be taught at your independent local center within the Universe Community and Evolution Spirituality essential for a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life? (I)
What are the collaborative principles used in Evolution Spirituality and the Universe Community? (A)
What is the role of the co-intelligence principles used in Evolution Spirituality and by Universe Spirit community members to expand the movement? (A)
What are the Key Administrative Qualities and Principles Used within Evolution Spirituality and the Universe Community? (B)
What are the key Spiritual Qualities and Principles used within Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What are the Codes of Conduct and Ethics for Evolution Spirituality and Universe Community members, teachers, and ministers/facilitators? (Level two, three, and four spiritual disciplines and practices.) (I) (A)
How does the Essential Open-Source Practice of "Forking" Protect The Evolution Spirituality Movement? (B)
What is our position on copyright ownership, commercial uses, individual recognition, patents, and trademarks concerning spiritual wisdom and the global spiritual commons? (B)
Why is it important to provide some form of fair exchange for all services that one receives from anyone or organization within the Universe Community or from Universe Spirit or any independent local Evolution Spirituality organization? (B)
Are there basic online courses about Evolution Spirituality where I can start to learn more? (B)
The Advanced Ideas, Principles, and Practices of Universe Spirituality For Facilitators Teachers and Co-founders
What is the attitude of Evolution Spirituality on how best to reach its mission goals? (I)
What are the spiritual safeguards that are used in Evolution Spirituality? (B) [R1.5]
What is the "Kernel" of Core Principles of Evolution Spirituality?(I)***
What do you mean when you say that Evolution Spirituality is an "open source spirituality? [This also is an essential part of the Evolution Spirituality core "catechism."] (I)***
Why are the evolutionary spirituality, integral spirituality, eco-spirituality, and women’s spirituality movements part of Evolution Spirituality? (A) [R1.5]
Is there a role for the Divine Feminine (or Goddess) in Evolution Spirituality? (B) [R1.5]
What is our World Spirituality Day celebration and when is it? (B)
Why is it important to provide some form of fair exchange for services one receives from Evolution Spirituality and the Universe Spirit organization? (B)
What is the full description of all key aspects of Evolution Spirituality? (A)
More About the Universe Spirituality Community
Latest description, locations, and updates on the Universe Communities.
The Universe Community Vision, Principles, and Structure. (B)
Why Universe Communities now? (I)
Is the Universe community a Survivalist Community? (B)
The Full Universe Community Vision, Principles, Values and Structure (I,A,)
How We Live in Our Intentional Universe Community (I)
The Universe Community Vision Summary (B)
What is the Universe community's Evolutionary Genesis Story?(B)
Can I be a member of the Universe community or the Universe Spirit Organization and also remain a member of my current religious denomination? (B)
What is your position on healthy sexuality among Universe community members? click here. (B)
What are the Codes of Conduct and Ethics for Universe Community and Universe Spirit members? (i)
You use the word "integral" a lot. What exactly do you mean by it? (I)
Why is Progressive Evolution important in the Universe Community? (I)
How do I volunteer or become a Universe Community or Universe Spirit member? (B)
What are your guidelines for creating and maintaining the online Universe community? (A)
How do I create my own Universe Community or Evolution Spirituality group or center? (B, I)
After you have read the above link materials, please click here to see our newest materials on Universe Eco communities at our new website. (There are four new pages of previously unseen eco-community materials here.)
Universe Spirituality at Universe College is now Under Re-Construction.
The links below will not work during re-construction and upgrade. We are looking for a new software platform for our online classes. It may take us until the fourth quarter of 2021 or the first quarter of 2022 to have Universe College fully operational again.)
Where can I take classes that relate to Evolution Spirituality, and how are the classes designed? (B)
What is the Universe College? (B)
How do I decide which Universe College course is right for me? (B)
What are the goals of the Universe College? (B)
If you have a question that is not answered on our FAQs, please feel free to e-mail it to us at [email protected] with "New FAQ Question" in the subject line.
Click this Join/Subscribe link or the one at the top of the page and we will keep you informed of events and important updates.
Special Note: All of the Universe Spirit Website materials are always like evolution itself in a continuous evolutionary process. They will be upgraded whenever new information would merit it. We invite you to self-organize and local study groups or meet-up groups or even a local center to share, evolve and adapt these materials as appropriate.