About Universe Spirit, who we are and what we do
Last updated 1.2.25.
Some page links below will still take you to our old website until we complete the transfer to this our new website. If our old site home page gives you a random error message and you can't see our old website, click your refresh button, and the old website will appear. To return to our new website from our old one, click your Back button or click on the Way of the Universe link at the top of our old home page.
We estimate it will take 6-12 months to transfer about 1,000 pages and 20 years of work from our old Universe Spirit website to this new one. During this massive transfer process, every page is under construction and updating. We have to fix broken links, add updated language, and delete and edit grammar and spelling to bring our older materials up to date and in alignment with our new Way of the Universe theme and framing.
Universe Spirit is, at its core, a non-profit educational organization educating about how to live the science-grounded "Way of the Universe." Universe Spirit also offers a new and powerful evolutionary worldview that integrates and balances current science and philosophy.
A worldview is defined as the most fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society, encompassing the whole of the individual's or society's knowledge and point of view. There have been only about five new worldviews in the history of human evolution.
Whenever a new worldview emerges, there is great potential for major personal and societal shifts and improvement. Every new worldview begins a major transition, advances human history, and transcends previous worldviews. This powerful new worldview (the Universe Evolutionary Worldview) embraced in the Way of the Universe has arrived just in time.
Few would disagree that our world is experiencing continuous, accelerating crises fueled by our growing technological capabilities. Humanity could quickly destroy itself over the next several decades. The new worldview embraced within the Way of the Universe offers individuals and humanity the desperately needed tools and the realistic hope essential to fuel and sustain resolving humanity's 12 worsening global crisesand creating a better future.
Universe Spirit is here to help you:
- learn,
- adapt,
- evolve,
- thrive, and
- become an Evolutioneer
Our main mission also includes helping you create a healthy, sustainable, and thriving future for yourself and your loved ones while you also help to create a sustainable and equitable world for all.
Some of our greatest news may be that --- we can still do this, but only if we work together supportively to resolve and lessen the rapid worsening of humanity's 12 greatest global crises. (These 12 crises are described with images and details a bit further down this page under the blue bold headline.) Click Here to review the 12 global challenges humanity must manage well, or humanity will suffer mass extinction.
How we manage our 12 global crises will determine humanity's future and its survival.
Before going on, if you have not done so already, please click here for a quick overview of peercisely what "The Way of the Universe" means and, what it entails.
Our big keystone global challenge and crises
It is always necessary to see conditions precisely as they are to begin to improve them. At Universe Spirit, we recognize that other than global thermonuclear war, there is one keystone roadblock humanity must manage as its highest priority to survive, thrive, and create a sustainable and prosperous future for all.
If a keystone is pulled out, all of the other arch pieces shown below will fall as well.
That is what accelerating climate change and global warming is to most of the 11 other global crises. The ever-worsening consequences of accelerating global warming will also worsen the 11 other global crises into a witch's brew of predictable global catastrophes.
This means that humanity's and our current most urgent global challenge is to:
a. be well-prepared for,
b. adapt to, and,
c. work diligently to slow global fossil fuel use, causing accelerating environmental destruction, economic loss, and suffering. Worse yet, if we are not successful in radically reducing our global fossil fuel use to these levels, we will face total extinction.
Because things are so bad right now and are going to get much worse before they hopefully get better, it is critical to maintain one's balance and see the good that could come out of this emergency.
At Universe Spirit, the news about our worsening 12 global challenges and crises is always balanced by the good news, new possibilities and opportunities, and realistic hope!
To see how we balance the potential good and hidden opportunities in the above difficult news about our major global crises from a positive, big-picture evolutionary perspective be sure to, click here.
This good news page is the most read page on our sister website at Job One for Humanity! It has had over one million views!
And, there is even more good news!
Yes, we have to face and deal with 12 global crises at the same time, but as we do, we also release the potentials for an unprecedented new type of global renaissance that we call the Unissance.
Click here for what this exciting new global Unissance could look like.
How Universe Spirit and its members are boldly facing the World's 12 greatest global challenges
To have any realistic hope of achieving a more equitable and sustainable world, we must now deal with the single largest disruptor of the 21st century. That is the escalating global warming emergency and how it worsens and amplifies our other major 11 global challenges.
Surviving our global warming emergency as well as the worsening of our other 11 global crises means working wisely with those who are ready. It means preparing for and adapting to the many now unavoidable consequences. It also means that we do everything we can to live more sustainably right now to slow down the many catastrophic processes that we have collectively and individually created by our past decisions.
The good news is that If we act wisely, we will still have time to save and salvage everything we can! We also have a rational and ethical responsibility to act now and, if you are of a spiritual nature, a moral responsibility and duty to:
a. learn from our mistakes,
b. enact new, more sustainable, and equitable practices,
c. prepare for the coming consequences that are now unavoidable,
d. improve what we still can to slow and lessen coming consequences as much as is possible,
e. adapt to what we can't change, and,
f. evolve wisely so that future generations and biological life will also survive and thrive.
In regards to the climate change emergency, Universe Spirit will help you:
1. Realize, acknowledge, and recover from the rapidly worsening global crises that we have created for ourselves by our collective and individual poor decisions and actions. You can't chart a new and better path until you know where you are starting from and what got you there.
2. Make better choices for creating lifestyles and livelihoods for a thriving and sustainable prosperity for all. Creating sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods is absolutely critical to making it through the global warming emergency and our other major 11 global challenges.
(See the Sustainable Prosperity section on this website and Parts 1 and 2 of the Job One for Humanity Plan for details on how to do it.)
3. Prepare for and adapt to humanity's worsening 12 most dangerous ecological, economic, and social global crises, particularly the global warming extinction emergency.
(To understand what the escalating global warming emergency is, see this page. For what we must do and sacrifice to save ourselves from it, visit the Job One for Humanity Plan action steps. Job One for Humanity is our sister website. Our Job One for Humanity Plan will lower our fossil fuel usage to meet or come very close to the life-critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.)
4. Create supportive new eco-communities worldwide. (in your current local area or a global warming-safer location.) These new eco-communities will be far better prepared to survive and thrive through the unavoidable onslaught of accelerating global warming consequences and the severe consequences of the other 11 global crises' worsening.
(See these Universe Community sections for all the information on joining one of our Universe communities.)
There are many coming ecological, climate, economic, and other catastrophes that we can no longer prevent or stop, no matter what we do at this point. (Click here to read about the many coming dangerous local and global consequences we have created for ourselves because of our decades of poor collective and individual decisions.)
5. Live fulfilling, healthy, and meaningful lives no matter what is going on around us. This is critically essential because of the hardships we will individually and collectively endure until we make the global transition to a more equitable and sustainable world.
If you are of a spiritual nature, we can even help you to expand your current personal spiritual practices with the practices of Evolution Spirituality.
6. Model and be successful examples of community sustainability and fairness principles and behaviors. These successful new communities will facilitate future generations and biological life surviving and thriving despite the difficult, deadly, and unavoidable consequences we must now endure.
For more information about our goals and mission, please see this page.
You can become an Evolutioneer and a part of the greatest evolutionary challenge and opportunity in human history, which is:
building a more sustainable and equitable world for all while simultaneously also saving:
a. ourselves,
b. humanity,
c. future generations, and
d. our civilization from the rapidly worsening 12 global crises.
This is done by honestly facing and managing our first and highest priority --- the global warming extinction emergency. and then dealing with these other 11 critical global challenges.
"We can no longer avoid many of the worse consequences of global warming interacting with the 11 other major global crises. Therefore, our primary goal for adapting to our accelerating mass extinction threat must be to save as many people and as much of our civilization as we possibly can---while we still can!" Lawrence Wollersheim
Here's how you can help:
At Universe Spirit, our volunteers self-organize and coordinate to handle our social media, marketing, research, events, and even accounting. Our volunteers do all of the blog postings as they have done for many years.
Click here to see the first action steps we strongly recommend for all first-time visitors to Universe Spirit.
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