The Universe Spirit Organizational and Administrative Policies and Procedures
The Universe Spirit social benefit organization integrates science, evolutionary principles, and philosophy. If you are of a universal and positive spiritual nature, you will find our work also integrates the best and healthiest aspects of humanity's vast spiritual heritage.
This integration of practical information is then applied to creating Evolutioneers, improving daily lives and the world.
Learn More About The Universe Spirit Organization
Please note: B is starting level, I is intermediate level material, and A is advanced material:
What does the Universe Symbol used on your websites symbolize and mean? click here. (B)
What is the Universe Spirit Non-profit Organization? (B)
What is the Universe Spirit mission? (B)
How can my organization form an alliance with your organization? (B)
What is the organization's history? (B)
Who runs the organization and manages the Universe Spirit website? (B)
How many people are currently involved in Universe Spirit? (B)
What are the key goals of Universe Spirit? (I)
What is the Universe Institute? (A)
What is Your Mission for Advanced Students? (A)
What is your Universe Day celebration, and when is it? (B)
What is the Century of Women that Universe Spirit promotes? (B)
What Are Universe Spirit's Administrative Policies And Principles
What is your organization's position on the importance of open dialog within the movement? (I)
What are the collaboration principles used in your organization? (I)
What are the self-organization principles that the Universe Community uses? (I)
What is your organization's position on human rights and human responsibilities? (I)
What is your organization's position on social activism? (I)
What is your organization's position on polarizing individuals or groups? (I)
Recommended Universe Spirit Website Exploration Paths For Returning Visitors and Advanced Students
About Universe College: (Universe College is currently under re-construction and upgrade, and the links below may not be working. We hope to have it back up in the 3rd quarter of 2021.)
What is the Universe College? (B)
How do I decide which Universe College course is right for me? (B)
What are the goals of the Universe College? (B)
What are the Practical Art-of-Living Skills that are taught at the Universe College? (B)
Special Note: All of the Materials on the Universe Spirit Website are always like evolution itself in a continuous evolutionary process. We invite you to self-organize and local study group or meet-up group or even a local center to share, evolve, and adapt these materials as is appropriate.
If you have a question that is not answered on our FAQs, please feel free to e-mail it to us at [email protected] with "New FAQ Question" in the subject line.