What is an Evolutioneer?
Please Note: At Universe Spirit, we now call the Universe Evolutionary Worldview, the principles of Progressive Evolution, and the Universe Principles "the Way of the Universe" to emphasize that they, in many ways, contain the most time-proven, reoccurring patterns of successful and sustainable action found within the 13.7 billion-year-old evolution of the universe.
Click here now to review a brief overview of what the new "Way of the Universe" is and involves if you have not done so already.)
This page contains the definition of what an Evolutioneer (aka Evolutionary Activist) is and does. It also includes the tools, books, and other materials to help existing Evoltioneers or new Evolutioneers become more effective.
At the very bottom of this page, you will also find a link to our Evolutioneer Honor Roll and sign-up page for any individual who believes that their past or present actions qualify them to be also recognized as an Evolutioneer and Evolutionary Activist.
Our nonprofit organizations (Universe Spirit, Job One for Humanity, the Universe Institute, and Universe Day) seek to work together with existing Evolutioneers worldwide to evolve a more just, equitable, and sustainable future for ALL of humanity as well as all of Earth's biological life forms.
The Definition of an Evolutioneer (aka an Evolutionary Activist)
A beginning level one Evolutioneer is:
"Anyone who is working to protect and sustainably improve the future of ALL human and biological life on Earth."
An intermediate level two Evolutioneer is:
"Anyone who also uses the wisdom of science and the 13.7 billion-year-old, time-proven success principles of evolution to improve the effectiveness of their pro-future evolutionary-aligned actions."
An advanced level three Evolutioneer is:
"Anyone who also understands the principles and uses the tools of logic, systems thinking, and dialectical meta-systemic thinking to predict and sustainably manage the many complex adaptive systems of our world. (Complex adaptive systems can be biological, climate-related, geological, social, economic, political, etc.)
What an Evolutioneer and Evolutionary Activist is NOT!
Evolutioneers are not simply mechanical engineers working for a better world. Our world is far, far too complex for a focused reliance on mechanistic clockwork universe solutions.
Our world today is composed primarily of highly complex adaptive systems in ecology, economics, society, politics, climate, geology, biology, medicine, etc. Unfortunately, purely mechanistic worldview-grounded solutions applied to highly evolutionary complex adaptive systems either do not work, work poorly, or make the original problem they were applied to even worse!
Intermediate and advanced Evolutioneers understand complex adaptive systems theory. They also understand systems theory, and the very best Evolutioneers understand dialectical meta-systemic thinking. All three of these tools and non-mechanistic Universe Evolutionary Worldview are far better suited to solving the complex non-mechanistic problems we face today.
Today's true Evolutioneers realize that many of our 12 greatest global crises are being made worse by the plethora of hubristic, mechanical worldview-driven engineering approaches.
About Evolutioneers
Many Evolutioneers have already proven themselves in their present or past service to life. Other individuals are just becoming Evolutioneers learning what is on this page and applying it to their lives and surroundings.
In general, Evolutioneers base their effectiveness on science, the principles of evolution derived from life's successful evolution on Earth, and rationality. If Evolutioneers are also spiritual, their ability to create a better world includes their own healthy, and tolerant form of open-source, personalized spirituality.
Evolutioneers are all about learning, adapting, and evolving to create a better life for themselves, their loved ones, and the world.
Currently, Evolutioneers have had to focus many of their efforts on the global warming emergency and the world's other most pressing crises for the many sobering reasons on this page.
The starburst logo used on the top left of our website masthead signifies many of the perspectives held by Evolutioneers. Check out the Universe Spirit Logo and explore those perspectives by clicking here. It also will give you a quick overview of many of the principles of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview.
What do Evolutioneers do?
Evolutioneers understand and use the personal and societal unifying, realigning, and restructuring power of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and the Evolutionary Manifesto. They are also true Universe Citizens and they are some of the brightest stars working to make a more sustainable world for all in alignment with the progressive evolution of the universe.
They work in every important area of the global culture such as economics, politics, science the environment, and even spirituality. They can better play their important world-making roles by also understanding and practicing the Universe Principles, committing to realizing the Universe Charter.
Right now, because of the critical global extinction crises we face, Evolutioneers worldwide are working on the action steps of the Job One for Humanity Plan to slow and lessen global warming and our deteriorating environment. If we do not get this crisis under better control soon, there will be no future anyone would want to inhabit. (Click here to learn more about the Job One for Humanity Plan.)
If you already consider yourself an Evolutioneer and you want to join our Evolutioneer honor roll, please click here.
The Challenges of Being an Evolutioneer
Evolutioneers are highly self-motivated, self-organizing, and self-directed. However, becoming an intermediate or advanced Evolutioneer is not a simple or easy task.
It requires considerable study and the diligent, persistent, and rational practice of time-proven principles of evolution to become a highly effective intermediate or advanced Evolutioneer. Because of the study and many new skills required, one can gradually become an intermediate or advanced Evolutioneer by completing a bit of essential reading and reaching some self-determined educational achievement levels over time.
One of the easiest, fastest, and most effective ways to become a beginning-level Evolutioneer is simply to start practicing the illustrated Universe Principles of Right Action and then the Universe Principles of Right Attitude. These practices quickly will get you using the time-proven principles of evolution to make everything around you better.
The rest of this page will tell you more about intermediate and advanced level Evolutioneers, their mental training practices, and the many new tools they use.
If you already consider yourself an Evolutioneer and you want to join our Evolutioneer honor roll, please click here. If you would like to invite others to become Evolutioneers who you believe are also effectively working to protect and improve life and the future of ALL life on Earth, then send them the link in the previous sentence and a link to this page.
Beginning Level Materials for Evolutioneers
Evolutioneers and Evolution
Evolutioneers are individuals who see themselves both as embedded in an evolutionary process of one universal union and simultaneously they see themselves as proactive co-agents and partners with evolution. As a major aspect of their lives, they do their best to awarely and intentionally live out their evolutionary co-creative roles to help forward the positive progression of evolution and life in the Universe. (The positive progression of evolution and life in the Universe is described further down this page.)
"Our loyalties are to the species and the planet. We speak for Earth. Our obligation to survive is owed not just to ourselves but also to that Cosmos, ancient and vast, from which we spring." Carl Sagan
"We do not belong to ourselves, even mostly. We belong to the universe." Buckminster Fuller
A beginning Evolutioneer understands and can apply rational thinking (rationality) and the basics of the scientific method. They also understand how to stay in an un-bias present moment through meditation or other practices.
Evolutioneers are true universe citizens who understand the integrated powers, rights, and responsibilities of universe citizenship. They are individuals who are first firmly grounded in evolutionary science and its principles and who also are committed to:
a.) realizing the life-sustaining potentials of the new and exciting Universe Evolutionary Worldview,
b.) living and practicing the principles of the Evolutionary Manifesto. The Evolutionary Manifesto by John Stewart is an essential document on progressive evolution and what an informed commitment to progressive evolution means to our lives, goals, behaviors, and attitudes. The Evolutionary Manifesto was fundamental to the birth of Universe Evolutionary Worldview.
Click here to read the Evolutionary Manifesto, Our Role in the Future Evolution of Life. It is only 36 pages and it is free.
c.) actively and consciously co-partnering with the progressive evolution in the universe, and the Universe Principles.
d.) living the science-derived new Universe Principles, which help to create sustainable livelihoods and lifestyles and that also create an authentic sustainable prosperity for all,
e.) dealing with the number one escalating threat to the existence of humanity and future generations now caused by accelerating global warming, which will soon lead to irreversible climate destabilization and mass extinction. At this particular time in human history, the most practical and important first life practice for all Evolutioneers to do is to creatively use the best of science to rapidly eliminate the looming ecological threat to our shared climate and future.
If we stabilize the climate before we will preserve our planet so that all of the other life dreams that we have can be achieved and all of the other challenges that we face both individually and collectively can be resolved. If we fail to create sustainable lifestyles, livelihoods, communities, and nations on a "first things first" priority basis as the key life practice of Evolutioneers, the planet will continue escalating into deeper ecological catastrophe to a level that will soon become irreversible and then evolve into an extinction-level event for all humanity as well as most of the other species living on the Earth. In fact, all other Universe Spirit life practices ultimately depend for their very future existence upon us managing the global warming emergency as our first practice.
Our movement does have a specific social activism program to help Evolutioneers resolve humanity's number one threat of global warming. It is called the Job One for Humanity Climate and Global Crises Resilience Plan. (Click the following link to review this life-critical program Job One for Humanity Plan.)
"To say one is an evolutioneer without understanding and practicing the principles from the science behind evolution is like saying you are a citizen of a country that you were never born in, lived in, voted in or, in which you either knew or exercised the rights of a citizen of that country. That is how important a broad understanding of the science of evolution is to be an authentic and practicing Evolutioneer! Lawrence Wollersheim
f.) achieving the goals of the Universe Charter, And,
g.) if you are spiritually inclined, evolutioneers live and integrate the most life-affirming wisdom of humanity's vast spiritual heritage in a new individual and community science-grounded form known as Evolution Spirituality.
Evolutioneers are consciously and actively co-evolving solutions to our planetary problems in alignment with the evolutionary process itself. Evolutioneers know that it takes progressive evolution-aligned actions drawn from universe-level scales to improve the current conditions and challenges facing the planet. Evolutioneers know that global/planetary consciousness alone is not the consciousness that will actually solve global problems. They know that only from a universe consciousness and evolutionary perspective will they be solved. They are also aware that just increasing personal or spiritual "consciousness" is not nearly enough either.
"Evolutioneers know that to be a truly effective planetary and national citizen, they must first and foremost be a good Universe Citizen who understands the laws and principles of the progressive evolution of the universe as a whole system. This is simply because our planet's evolution at every level is part of that larger universe system and subject to its larger laws." Lawrence Wollersheim
There are many individuals and organizations today that misunderstand this critical balance and teach that all it takes to improve the world [or mostly what it takes,] is to change and/or expand personal or spiritual consciousness. Consequently, they teach little of the universe sciences, the universe's evolutionary principles, systems theory to understand complex adaptive systems, the new dialectical meta-systemic thinking, evolutionary ethics, or the future modeling and prediction skills critically essential to help guide successful personal action and social behavior into better alignment with progressive evolution.)
As one looks at the many key processes of progressive evolution, one can clearly see that expanding personal or spiritual consciousness is just one among the many other levels of action processes that must also take place for progressive evolution to be optimized. Although expanding consciousness of any kind is important, it is by no means the one, single, or even the most important thing that will improve everything else on the planet and within the universe's evolutionary system.
If there was such a thing, it would more likely be widespread ongoing education on the factual qualities, principles, and laws of the master universe and its progressive evolution processes because from this more encompassing education almost all other skills, actions, and qualities could be improved --- even consciousness. Expanding consciousness is important, but it is not just a "being aware or celebrating universe" it is also a thinking, predicting, planning and effort-full doing, and action universe --- if you want to be sustainably successful.
Evolutioneers know that it takes far more than just a change or expansion of consciousness to live in harmony with the unstoppable flow of progressive evolution in the universe. It also takes a solid understanding of evolutionary science and the other sciences. Evolutioneers recognize that by the mere fact of their existence embedded within the evolving one universe union they have an inalienable right as universe citizens to have and use their essential and equitably share of the energy and resources of the universe based upon fundamental basic needs, meritorious productivity and fair exchange in alignment with the directional flow of progressive evolution. Evolutioneers also know that with these universal universe rights there are also universal universe responsibilities.
Essential Books Every Beginning level Evolutioneer Should Read!
If you have not read them already, there are several books every beginning Evolutioneer should get and read in the following order. The first short book is the Evolutionary Manifesto, Our Role in the Future Evolution of Life. Click here to read the Evolutionary Manifesto. It is only 36 pages and it is free.
The second book is Spiral Dynamics by Don Beck and Christopher Cowen. It will give you the essential evolutionary tools and perspectives you will need to start progressively evolving everything around you as needed.
The third book, EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution by Elisabet Sahtouris, will help you better see many of the basics of progressive evolution in Earth's evolution and in an entertaining way. If you want to become an effective Evolutioneer, get these books as soon as possible. They are a great start that will get you excited and motivated about what you can do to evolve yourself, your family, business, nation, the Earth, and the Universe.
The fourth book is Evolutionaries by Carter Philips. A well-written overview of the universe's evolutionary lifestyle and history of many diverse parts of the movement. It is more to the spiritual side versus the science of evolution.
Intermediate Level Materials for Evolutioneers
An intermediate-level Evolutioneer understands and can apply the basics of systems thinking. They also understand how to stay in an un-bias present moment through meditation or other practices.
What Does the Progression of Evolution in the Universe Look Like?
The following section is for intermediate to advanced evolutioneers and briefly describes the many progressive characteristics of what progressive evolution does. Evolutioneers are individuals who align their own and the actions of various groups in which they belong to the directionality of the positive progressive evolution within the universe.
They align with progressive evolution by specifically expanding or increasing their own or their group's:
self-organization, freedom, autonomy, and choice,
appropriate and fair energy exchanges (fair trade,)
full consequence capture and full accountability, (the abilities of managers/governing bodies to better align the self-interests of the parts of the group to the interests of the whole group and that is also in alignment with the directionality of progressive evolution,)
learning (one expands learning by:
expanding present awareness/consciousness of feedback, in the expanding forms of self-reflection, other-awareness, personal awareness and ultimately universe totality reflection, (This is knowledge of, and the NOW conscious awareness of the actual nature or actions of self, other, the local environment, the planet, and the universe,)
expanding wisdom, and the prediction of the best possible course of action based on knowledge of past and present,
expanding intelligence and expanding knowledge of past and present
environmental control, (This particularly includes developing future modeling skills using logic, rationality, systems thinking, and dialectical meta-systemic thinking skills.)
sustainability, (see sustainable prosperity.)
evolvability, (Using the knowledge of the universe's evolutionary process, principles, and directionality to help co-create greater personal and life system adaptability and greater evolutionary control and success.
This link and the books listed further below will take you to more detailed information on progressive evolution principles and why they are so important.
If you have not done so already, you can get started on your own personal journey as a Universe Evolutionary by exploring the additional links below. These links will show you much more about what an informed Evolutioneer thinks and does:
The Universe Evolutionary Worldview
To see the Big Picture perspectives of a Universe Evolutioneer, click here.
To see the Big Picture action principles of a Universe Evolutioneer, click here.
To see the Big Picture attitudes of a Universe Evolutioeer, click here.
Click the following link to review a life-critical program for all Evolutioneers Job One for Humanity.
Click here for the codes of ethics and conduct for Evolutioneers.
Advanced Level Materials for Evolutioneers and Teachers of Evolutioneers
An advanced level Evolutioneer understands and can apply the basics of dialectical meta-systemic thinking. They also understand how to stay in an un-bias present through meditation or other practices.
How Evolutioneers Understand and Use Crucial Evolutionary Laws, Values, and Trajectories
The following four survival laws and their qualifying materials provide a template for advanced evolutionary decision-making by Evolutioneers.
Law One: Survive! (exist for as long as possible.)
Law Two: Survive optimally by continuously managing or adapting to the ever-changing conditions of existence.
Law Three: Surviving optimally includes surviving through the six dimensions of extended personal and collective existence.
Here are the six critical dimensions of survival:
as individuals,
as families,
as groups (friends, companies, races, ethnicities, nations)
as humanity as a whole,
as and through biological life on Earth (and possibly elsewhere,) and
as and through the continued existence of the physical universe.
One does the above by preserving and forwarding the essential contexts (environments,) processes, relationships, and transformations that either allow for or directly forward ongoing or expanded individual and collective survival existing for as long as possible. Anything that lessens one's survival potentials within these six dimensions of extending the time and scope of existence would be counter to optimizing personal and collective survival.
Law Four: Surviving optimally also means that wherever and whenever possible, with wise discrimination, one also aligns oneself, one's various groups, and humanity with crucial values and trajectories derived from the time-proven and time-tested success principles from billions of years of the evolution of life on Earth.
These crucial evolutionary values and trajectories are having, developing, or expanding:
1. awareness/consciousness of the present moment and present moment feedback (in the expanding forms of self-awareness, awareness or others, awareness of one's current environment. Awareness of one's current environment could eventually expand to awareness of the planet and the universe),
2. learning resulting in new skills, abilities, and intelligence through experimentation and acquiring knowledge of past and present
3. creativity, novelty, diversity, complexity,
4. productivity,
5. self-organization, freedom, autonomy, and choice,
6. cooperation and creating larger unions,
7. appropriate and fair energy exchanges (fair trade)
8. full consequence capture and full accountability (the abilities of managers/governing bodies to better align the unaligned self-interests of the parts of the group to the interests of the whole group and, which is also in alignment with the critical trajectories of progressive evolution,)
9. order, integration, and harmony within groups and unions,
10. wisdom, and the prediction of the best possible courses of action based on knowledge of past and present and evolutionary principles,
11. environmental control, (This mainly includes developing future modeling skills using logic, rationality, systems thinking, and dialectical meta-systemic thinking skills.)
12. environmental sustainability (one cannot survive long or well in an unsustainable or toxic environmental situation, see sustainable prosperity.)
13. system resilience, robustness, redundancies, and reserves,
14. evolvability (Using the knowledge of the universe's evolutionary process, principles, and trajectories to help co-create greater personal and life system adaptability and greater evolutionary control and success.
15. release of new potentials, which expands or restarts the evolutionary processes in new ways.
As one can see surviving optimally is a complex and challenging matter requiring careful study, thought, discernment, and decision making, which is based upon the whole collection of evolution-proven survival-enhancing values and trajectories which support the contexts, processes, relationships, and transformations needed for preserving or extending both life and the quality of life. One has to continuously manage or adapt to the ever-changing conditions of existence by collectively using the above factors to ensure that they are genuinely making the wisest decisions that benefit the six dimensions of survival for the longest possible time.
The list of guiding and optimizing values and trajectories above also will help prevent selfish, narrow-minded, or poorly educated individuals societies, or governments from making exclusively self-serving or selfish decisions and then passing them off to the broader public as good for the common well-being, ethical, wise, or the best decisions for "the greatest good for the greatest number." The optimizing principles above will help you identify when the decisions or actions being forwarded by any entity are primarily or exclusively for the benefit of that entity or a privileged few.
Not surprisingly, a good portion of the values above also corresponds well to many of humanity's best traditional, humanistic and other value systems seen here.
Evolutioneers and the Creation of a Global Country, World Federation, or Planetary Government
It is inevitable that some form of a global country or planetary government will eventually evolve on our planet. The catastrophic effects of global warming (global climate destabilization and other ecological, resource, economic and political issues may do much to bring the needed universal planetary law and planetary enforcement systems into being.
Evolutioneers do want to see this new global country or planetary government happen and they work intelligently and actively to see that it does, but --- only in such a way that it aligns with and embraces the principles of progressive evolution, the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and the Universe Principles as well as other documents and links found on this page.
Evolutioneers are not interested in forwarding or favoring some existing national or international political or economic "ism." We forward the goals and objectives of progressive evolution of the universe and our planet as part of that evolutionary process.
The constitution of the new planetary government has yet to be written by some self-organizing Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens. It would of course first be creatively written and based upon the following principles and facts integrated into one new constitutional document that would embrace and sustain the goals of evolutionary life for the whole universe:
b.) Universe Declaration of Rights for Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens,
c.) Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens,
d.) Click here for the codes of ethics and conduct for Evolutioneers.
e.) the principles of progressive evolution because if it was not, it would be out of sustainable alignment with the progressive evolution of life and order in the universe itself,
f.) Strategies for Advancing Evolution by John Stewart, (24 pages.) What specifically can an Evolutioneer and evolutionary activist do to advance the evolutionary process on Earth?
g.) the Universe Evolutionary Principles of Sustainability,
h.) Learn about systems thinking, and dialectical meta-systemic thinking to predict and sustainably manage the many complex adaptive systems of our world.
Strategies for Advancing Evolution by John Stewart, (24 pages.) What specifically can an Evolutioneer and evolutionary activist do to advance the evolutionary process on Earth?
Universe Declaration of Rights for Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens,
Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens,
The Growing Universe Community and its Vision,
The Universe Evolutionary Principles of Sustainability,
Click here to learn more about the Universe community that supports the activities of Evolutioneers.
Click the following link to review more core life practices for all Evolutioneers found within the principles of sustainable prosperity and sustainable consumerism.
Click here to learn more about the Universe community that supports the activities of the Universe Citizenship of Evolutioneers.
Evolution Spirituality (A new spiritual emergence based on evolutionary science and it is ideal if you are of a spiritual nature.)
Learn about systems thinking and dialectical meta-systemic thinking to predict and help sustainably manage the many complex adaptive systems of our world.
If you already consider yourself an Evolutioneer and you want to join our Evolutioneer honor roll, please click here. If you would like to invite others to become Evolutioneers who are also effectively serving and evolving life, humanity, and the future, then send them the link in the previous sentence.
Additional Key Reading for both Intermediate or Advanced Evolutioneers
If you have not done so already, please read the following in the order given for best results:
1. The Evolutionary Manifesto by John Stewart, (36 pages). The follow-up concise "what must be done" plan is based on his previous Evolution's Arrow. It is an essential document on progressive evolution and what an informed commitment to progressive evolution means to the lives, goals, behaviors, and attitudes of Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens. Click here to read the Evolutionary Manifesto, Our Role in the Future Evolution of Life.
2. Strategies for Advancing Evolution by John Stewart, (24 pages.) What specifically can an Evolutioneer and evolutionary activist do to advance the evolutionary process on Earth?
3. EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution by Elisabet Sahtouris. This book is great for a basic scientific understanding of the "big picture" basics of how the whole universe has evolved over the last 13.7 billion years. It is an interesting and amazing read of how evolution shows us over and over again that it is not "survival of the fittest," but the survival of the most wisely cooperative. This book also contains the core of the new Genesis story used within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and movement to help us inform (or realign,) our sense of individual and collective origin, identity, and purpose as Evolutioneers.
4. Evolution's Arrow: The Direction of Evolution and the Future of Humanity, by John Stewart. (This is an essential Universe Evolutionary Worldview book directly summarizing the key elements of progressive evolution. It is a bit of complex science but completely worth the effort.)
5. Overshoot by William Catton. As difficult as it seems to understand, at the deepest levels and as a driving prime cause, the current global warming extinction emergency, our deteriorating environment, and many of the world's other 11 major global crises are directly or indirectly caused by the concept and problem of Overshoot. Overshoot simply means that resource demand is over and beyond that of that particular resource's regeneration or renewal capacity.
Excessive demand leading to overshoot is driven by both consumption and population. Right now, the human population's need and demand for the Earth's resources has well exceeded the Earth's carrying capacity to regenerate those resources. For example, our current fossil fuel use, which is causing the global warming emergency, is caused by our increasing population demanding more consumer goods. As a result, not only are we depleting the non-renewable fossil fuels that took millions of years to create, we are also polluting and poisoning our atmosphere and oceans with toxic fossil fuel by-products.
One also could call overshoot an environmental and energy management ignorance or even greed in simple moral or ethical terms. But, whatever you call it, our taking more resources from the Earth than the Earth can renewably supply or resupply is the single deepest cause of most of today's major global problems. It contributes significantly to our air, water, and land pollution and even many of our current economic and social inequalities.
While our current global warming emergency is directly caused by burning fossil fuels and polluting the atmosphere and our oceans with carbon, methane, etc., for its complete long-term solution, it is critical to address the deeper, underlying overshoot issues on ecological, economic, social, and energy management levels. It bears repeating that many of these same overshoot issues also fuel our 11 major global crises' worsening.
The opposite of overshoot would also include creating a sustainable population level balanced with its available renewable resources. (This is commonly known as the carrying capacity of an area.) For humanity to begin to live within its carrying capacity and not continue to overshoot its resources, we will have to do something radically new, which we call living the principles of Sustainable Prosperity.
6. Evolutionaries by Carter Philips. A well-written overview of the universe's evolutionary lifestyle and history of many diverse parts of the movement. It is more to the spiritual side versus the science of evolution.
7. Life Rules by Ellen Laconte. A "best of class" book about bottom-up organic self-organizing democracy that harmonizes with the natural laws of closed system planetary evolution. This new model discussed in her book is much different than the top-down, power-influenced democratic governments driven on "growth economics" theories of infinite growth and infinite substitutability that we have today. (While this organization agrees with most of the ideas in this book, we do differ with the author on several issues and recommendations such as the importance of what we believe is the vital local community/global governance balancing in the critical and simultaneous role of international law and international governance to limit individual, local and regional excess and expansion while simultaneity educating about, aligning and enforcing essential minimal policies for the planetary common good and defense.)
8. View from the Center of the Universe by Joel Primack and Nancy Abrams. (The books View from the Center of the Universe and "The Universe Story" by Brian Swimme constitute one of the most accurate and complete statements of the common and shared cosmology and new genesis story currently held within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview.
9. A Brief History of Everything, Ken Wilber. (The evolution of the universe for individuals coming from or appreciating an integral evolutionary perspective.)
10. Maps of Time An Introduction to Big History by David Christian (and his CD lecture series called "Big History." This book and these CDs provide a multi-disciplinary look at all of the universe's evolution including all of human history. This progressive evolution work is finally being taught in universities around the world.)
11. Human Purpose and Transhuman Potential: A Cosmic View for our Future Evolution by Ted Chu, Ph.D. We see this book as another motivating and inspirational overview of what it means to be a universe citizen and evolutionary. Ted presents the "next generation" specifics on what inspired conscious evolution in alignment with evolutionary science looks like. His vision of the future of evolution and humanity's role in it is well-grounded in history and science and it will stretch the vision of the biggest evolutionary thinkers and universe citizens. We now recommend that every member reads this book as part of their intermediate to advanced level education on what it takes to be an authentic evolutionary and universe citizen forwarding evolution on Earth and then out into the universe.
The Basic Ideas and Attitudes of Evolutioneers as Universe Citizens
Evolutioneers can also be or become empowered Universe Citizens. See the following for more on this aspect of being a complete Evolutioneer.
Click here for the 3 basic essentials of Evolutioneers as Universe Citizens.
Click Here for the most basic ideas of Evolutioneers as Universe Citizens.
Join the Evolutioneer Honor Roll
If you already consider yourself an Evolutioneer and you want to join our Evolutioneer honor roll, please click here. If you would like to invite others to become Evolutioneers who you believe are also effectively working to protect and improve life and the future of ALL life on Earth, then send them the link in the previous sentence and a link to this page.
If you believe you too are an evolutioneer, please join our Evolutioneer honor roll by clicking here.
Heard enough?
Please click the image below and join us!
Additional reading for Advanced Evolutioneers
What is an Evolutioneers' Great Commitment? (I)
What does the Universe Symbol used on your websites symbolize and mean to Evolutioneers? click here. (B)
Click here to see our updated 2021 mission goals for all Evolutioneers if you have no done so previously.
To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.
Why most Universe Spirit members eventually also come to see themselves as Evolutioneers, Universe Citizens, and Planetary Citizens. (I)(A)
What are the universe-scaled meta-perspectives of Evolutioneers, Universe Citizens, and Planetary Citizens, click here. (I)
What is the Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Universe Citizens, Evolutioneers, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I)
What is the Universe Declaration of Rights for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I)
What is the Universe Charter for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I)
What do Planetary Citizens know and do? (I)
What is a Universe Citizen, and what does universe citizenship entail? (I)
Strategies for Advancing Evolution by John Stewart, (24 pages.) What specifically can an Evolutioneer and evolutionary activist do to advance the evolutionary process on Earth?
Learn about systems thinking, and dialectical meta-systemic thinking to predict and sustainably manage the many complex adaptive systems of our world.