What is Eco-Spirituality and why is it more important than ever?
Understanding and practicing Eco-Spirituality is more crucial than ever today because many of our current global crises have deep ecological and spiritual causes. By understanding these causes and adopting new Eco-Spirituality principles and actions, we can expedite the resolution of many of these current global crises.
Eco-Spirituality principles are also a major part of what is called Evolution Spirituality or Evo-Spirituality. In many ways, you can often interchange the terms of Eco-spirituality or Evolution Spirituality, and in many areas, you would be speaking about nearly the same thing, but in Evolution Spirituality is extended out to cover the evolution and ecology of the universe.
Eco-Spirituality is based on a fundamental belief in the sacredness of nature, Earth, and the universe. It is also based on the fact that we as humans are not separate from or above nature, we are a part of it. The belief that humanity is somehow separate or above nature has created many of today's problems in one way or another.
At this critical juncture in time, the Evo- Spirituality found on this website forwards all of the key elements of the much-needed new ethical and moral perspectives of eco-spirituality.
What is Eco-Spirituality
Eco-spirituality in the most simple of terms holds that:
a. humanity is born from nature, is a part of nature, and does not own nature exclusively for its own ends and purposes,
b. humanity must stop using the natural world and our atmosphere as a toilet for its pollutants, and,
c. humanity cannot treat and use the natural world as an "infinite" extraction resource and treasure chest. It must stop all over-exploitation of the natural world, which harms current and future generations, or other biological life forms.
d. humanity has not been given dominion over nature to use at its pleases. Humanity must assume the role of stewardship for nature.
e. eco-spirituality also includes and honors the basic principles of ecology as well as the eco-principles and ideas found in the ecology, energy, and history book called Overshoot, by Willian Catton.
f. at its deepest levels eco-spirituality also transcends and includes the principles and ideas of ecological wisdom relating to our planet with the principles and ideas of progressive evolution at the universe level, which includes planetary evolution.
Traditional eco-spirituality is as old as humanity and has been practiced by indigenous peoples since the begriming. Today's nondenominational eco-spirituality as practiced on this website includes yet transcends traditional eco-spirituality.
From the eco-spiritual perspective, Ultimate Reality (The Great Mystery, God, Spirit, Buddha, and/or the Divine,) is not just the source of creation it is very much also an ongoing part of creation; a part with which we can interact on a daily basis through our senses and from such experiences gain greater insight into the wonder of physical reality and our natural world.
On a personal level, this inherent sacredness of nature and our complete immersion within it generally leads to a spiritually motivated engagement in the current global warming and other major crises of our planet (see the Job One for Humanity plan,) and a dedication to justice and a long view of a sustainable prosperity for all. (Please read this link to see the 12 major crises that all individuals who value eco-spirituality are facing.)
Native Americans and other indigenous peoples' theologies hold much wisdom in this regard. (For an example of traditional indigenous eco-spirituality see, Chief Seattle's message to US President Pierce to further elucidate the traditional eco-spiritual worldview.)
Furthermore, eco-spirituality understands the position of human beings to be inextricably related to all other life forms within an interrelated, interconnected web that is part of the Divine's dance of life. Eco-spiritual perspectives can be found in all the world's religious traditions. No matter how they are articulated, however, these perspectives all provide for recognition of the importance and relevance of the immanent Divine, the power of understanding our human relationship to the planet, and our direct experiences of the natural world.
In the religious traditions that are either panentheistic (believe that Ultimate Reality is both transcendent and immanent), or believe that Ultimate Reality pervades creation, there is a directly stated or theologically implied imperative to care for and protect Earth's natural systems. Depending on the religion or tradition, this may be because our natural systems are understood to be either the gift of Ultimate Reality or the source from which Ultimate Reality acts and dances in the world.
Such spiritual truths create a real and critical religious imperative that also asks believers to demonstrate congruity through acts of spiritual love and care for all sentient beings and animal creatures now, as well as for future generations.
Many Christians have already reinterpreted the biblical Genesis story to mean that rather than God giving absolute dominion over nature to humanity, God instead means that humanity, being a part of nature, has a spiritual duty of care and sustainable stewardship for nature and the planet.
Globally, more religions and spiritual traditions are becoming active in the environmental movement by going green and educating members about their spiritual duties and obligations to protect our natural systems and ALL life within them. People are increasingly yearning to live a life congruent with the tenants of their faith and the will of Ultimate Reality as they understand it regarding the sacred values of nature and stewardship for nature.
The new eco-spirituality movement growing on this website and within religions all over the world is exciting because it provides both a critical re-vitalization of our relationship to nature's unique sacredness and a powerful Ultimate Reality-leveraged spiritual imperative and support for the current sustainability movement’s programs and goals.
At Universe Spirit, our first spiritual promandment is to be a responsible sustainability steward for both humanity and of the bio-systems of the planet and universe. We view it as another aspect of Job One for All Humanity.
The spectacular new Eco-Spirituality video you absolutely should not miss!
Now that you have a quick overview of Eco-Spirituality, we strongly recommend watching this fantastic video by our friend and peer, Michael Dowd. He brings alive many eco-spirituality concepts found on this website, and he introduces new ones as well. Please note: Although we agree with most of this video, we strongly disagree with his timetable of global collapse and mass extinction occurring around 2030, and we have other differences below. But, this video is still so well done and informative that we have to recommend, and we include the following disclaimers:
1. Our research and analysis show that global temperatures and most of the other 11 major global crises will worsen faster and faster from now until about 2050. By that time, the collective consequences of accelerating global warming and the worsening of most of the other 11 major global crises will cause the die-off of much of humanity (51% or more.)
2. If we do not come close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, things will worsen from 2050-2070, and much more of humanity will die. If we miss our last opportunity to fix global warming, the period after about 2070 will lead to the near-complete or complete extinction of humanity.
3. Our organization does not believe there are no solutions left, and all humanity will die in the following decades. Therefore, call us Planmeisters because we are still convinced that we should wisely try to save and salvage whatever is true, good, and beautiful about humanity and our civilization. To us, saving the best of humanity is always better than saving nothing of humanity.
Even though the odds are bad and the sacrifices and suffering will be horrendous, we believe that some of humanity will have some slight chance of survival and will learn the harsh lessons to carry on but only if they are well-prepared and living in sustainable eco-communities with shared solid values. If some of these eco-communities survive and enact the needed changes to all of our human systems, there is even an opportunity for a Great Global Rebirth. (To see our Plan B for Climate Change and Environmental Degradation Resilience, click here.)
Click here and go to this beautiful and super-informative video by Michael Dowd now! You will be glad you saw this magnificent description of Eco-Spirituality in the time of the Great Global Collapse.
How do I practice the new Eco-Spirituality?
There are many sustainability practices you can follow at Universe Spirit to practice Eco-Spirituality. The practices described below will also help bring about the Great Global Rebirth after we endure the consequences of the Great Global Collapse.
In the list links below you will find over 100 empowering sustainability and eco-spirituality related practices:
Step 1. Sign the global warming emergency online petition to get our politicians to act before it is too late by clicking here.
Step 2. Make sure you are doing your best to follow these personal and business sustainability practices. They are found in Part 2 of the Job One for Humanity Climate and Environment Resilience Plan. These practices are an easy and direct way to get started with simple things you can do today. (This link will take you to our Job One sister website.)
Step 3. Learn about the more profound principles, practices, and processes of Sustainable Prosperity. These are extensive changes that, in many cases, we also must make within our economic, social manufacturing, and political systems. There are additional sustainability practices in this booklet that you can do once you have started the procedures in Step 1 above.
Step 4. Start living the Universe Principles of Life. These principles will help you build economic and social sustainability.
Step 5. Be sure to watch this new Eco-Spirituality video by our peer and friend Michael Dowd. It is a motivating, inspiring, and calming discovery that will help you understand why the practices of Eco-Spirituality are so critical at this time.
Step 6. Get and read Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change Kindle Edition by William R. Catton. It is an eco-spirituality must-read foundational book. (Please go to Amazon Smile to get this book and make Factnet Inc the nonprofit benefactor of your purchase. Our organization will receive a commission on your purchase that will help support our critical mission. Setting up having our organization receive a commission on this book purchase on Amazon is fast and easy.
If you are not already an AmazonSmile member, simply sign up at smile.amazon.com and select your favorite charity Factnet Inc.) to start generating donations at no cost to you! First, open the app and find 'Settings' in the main menu (☰). Next, tap on 'AmazonSmile' and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone. Instructions are similar for web browsers on computers. Factnet is the IRS-recognized 501(C)3 nonprofit that owns Job One for Humanity, Universe Spirit, and other social benefit websites.)
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Please also take a moment to sign the online global warming emergency petition that will go to our national leaders on our sister website Job One for Humanity.
Other Reading on Ecospirituality
The new and post-traditional eco-spirituality movement is also one of the foremost forwarders of the new Universe Principles of Life, which are based on the science of universe progressive evolution found within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview. This is because the traditional eco-spirituality of the past has now been augmented and enhanced with the principles of progressive evolutionary science and systems theory as applied to complex natural systems of our beautiful living world.
These universe evolution principles have been condensed and are expressed within the Universe Principles of Life. It is through the application of the science-grounded Universe Principles of Life that a true and meaningful sustainable prosperity for ALL can be achieved. We highly recommend that you review these last five links to learn more about the advances of today's eco-spirituality movement as well as its programs and principles.
Today's new eco-spirituality movement has been significantly aided by the rise of the personal spirituality movement. To learn more about the tools and ideas of what personalized spirituality means, click here.
The links below will get you started with a good understanding of the ideas and practices of Eco-Spirituality. (Please note: B is beginning level, I is intermediate level material, and A is advanced material.)
How is Eco-Spirituality Grounded in Science and Evolution? (B)
How can I Read and Explore More About the Eco-Spirituality of Evolution Spirituality? (B)
Why the Evolution Spirituality Eco-Spirituality Principles are Important for Anyone Religious Concerned about Global Warming and Climate Destabilization? (B)
What is Eco-Spirituality in the Evolution Spirituality Upgrade? (B)