Difficulty Codes Used below:
Difficulty Ratings:
1.) beginner (B,)
2.) intermediate (I,)
3.) advance (A,) and,
4.) teacher/minister/co-founder (TMC.)
Other Content-Type Ratings:
In some areas, we have added the following content codes. [R2.0] for mostly all-new Evolution Spirituality materials, [R1.5] for mostly older Spirituality/Religion version 1.5 materials, or [R1.0] for mostly the oldest Spirituality/Religion version 1.0 materials. If there is no content rating, you can assume that it is mostly the new Evolution Spirituality material.
For Advance Evolution Spirituality Students
(This advanced FAQ section can be used as an individual study check sheet or even as Evolution Spirituality training materials for setting up your own self-organized Evolution Spirituality local group or center. At the end of this section is an action list for what you can do to get started practicing Spirituality at the advanced level.)
New Or Expanded Advanced Terminology and Definitions Essential to Advanced Understanding of Evolution Spirituality
What do you mean when you use the word "panentheistic" with Evolution Spirituality? (A) [R1.5]
What do you mean when say that Evolution Spirituality is a meta-spirituality and meta-religion that transcends traditional religion as we have known it? (A)
What do you mean when you use the open-source software term of the operational "Kernel" of Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What do you mean when you say that Evolution Spirituality is an "open-source religion" and an "open source spirituality? [This is an essential part of the Evolution Spirituality core catechism.] (A)
Personalized Evolution Spirituality For Advanced Students
What is the scope of the spiritual theology of Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What are all of the Five Levels of Practice of Evolution Spirituality? (B)(I)(A)
What are the secular and religious paradoxes of Evolution Spirituality and the organization forwarding it? (A)
What do you mean when you use the terms meta-religion and meta-personal spirituality to describe Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What is the role of the classic and post-modern virtues in Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What are the Most Important Questions of Life and Existence that Evolution Spirituality Answers from a Spiritual Perspective? (A) [R1.5]
Why has Evolution Spirituality emerged into being at this particular time (with its new open-source and personalizable spirituality? (B)
What do you mean when you say that Evolution Spirituality is a balanced integration of science and spirituality? (A)
Why is both science and personalized spirituality in a healthy balance and in their appropriate relationship essential to life in Evolution Spirituality? (A)
What other spiritual movements are embraced by Evolution Spirituality? (I) [R1.5]
What are the codes of conduct for Evolution Spirituality and Universe Community members? (A)
What are the mission-critical self-organization principles that Evolution Spirituality members use? (A)
What is an Evolution Spirituality Evolutioneer? Why Are They Important for a Better Future? (A)
How to Get Started with the Level 3 Advanced Practices Found in Evolution Spirituality
Answer the Most Important Questions of Life and Existence that Evolution Spirituality Answers from a Spiritual Perspective? (Begin this Journey in the preceding link. (A) [R1.5]
Try our other, longer Evolution Spirituality meditations for 30 days. (A) (This will help you expand your direct spiritual experiences with Ultimate Reality.)
Begin Reading about and developing Dialectical Meta-Systemic Thinking Skills. (A)
Begin the Key Evolution Spirituality Readings and Books for Advanced Students. (A) (Read any unread books on the preceding book list according to your interest levels. If you are going to teach or minister or create an independent Evolution Spirituality organization, you should read every book on the list while you are doing the exercises of this advanced level until you have finished the list.)
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