Why it is Critical to Understand the Foundational and Vital Role of Science in ;Evolution Spirituality?

Under construction. 11.13.24.

Science and personal spirituality can coexist and in fact can empower each other. When a person's spirituality is grounded in the realities of the universe and science it offers benefits far in advance of traditional religion beliefs ideology and dogma. The new manifestation of science grounded Spirituality that we call Evolution Spirituality transcends yet includes the best of all previous spiritual and religious movements while simultaneously avoiding the worst of those same movements.

We invite you to explore the possibilities of a dynamic expanding healthy and universal spirituality by reading the following:

(The links below may take you to our older website while we are still under construction.)

What is the definition of evolution science and evolutionary science?

What general benefits can one expect to receive from the science-grounded Evolution Spirituality? (B)

What science-grounded hope does Evolution Spirituality offer because it is derived in significant part from Evolution 2.0? (B)

How and why is evolutionary science the core foundation of this new Evolution Spirituality and this evolutionary emergence in spirituality? (B)

What does the balanced integration of science and spirituality mean in Evolution Spirituality(B)

What is the proper balance between science and spirituality, and what should be the role of each in my personal form of spirituality? (B)

What is the Evolution Spirituality's Science-Grounded Genesis Story? (B)

Why is an Evolution Grounded Genesis Story Important to Every Spiritual and Non-Spiritual Individual? (B)

What is the Relationship Between Evolution Spirituality and Evolution 2.0? (B)

Does evolution have a progressive direction, and why is it critical to understanding how to create a successful and meaningful secular and spiritual life? (For information on what progressive evolution is, click here.) (I) (A)


What is the Universe Evolutionary Worldview's Relationship with Evolution Spirituality

What is the summary overview of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (B)

Why is the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview so important to Evolution Spirituality? (B)

Why is the Universe Evolutionary Worldview so Important to Our Future? (B)


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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers