Our Science Focused FAQ

Last updated 12.18.24.


While we are still under construction on this new website, some links below will take you back to our old Universe Spirit website until we complete the transfers. If our old site gives you a random error message we are still trying to fix and you can't see our old website, click your refresh button, and the entire old webpage should appear. To return to our new website from the old one, click your Back button or click on the Way of the Universe link at the top of the old home page.

First-time visitors

Step 1. If you have not done so already, please click here for our crucial new visitor overview, which briefly explains "The Way of the Universe. " It will give you a rapid idea of what this website does and what it is about. 

Step 2. If you have not done so already, please click this Join/Subscribe link or the one at the top of the page, and we will keep you informed of Universe Spirit events and important updates.

3. We also strongly recommend you Follow our Universe Spirit page on Facebook. Here is why. Posts on our Facebook page are automatically sent to you, and it is the best way to keep up with all of the good things going on during the construction of our new website and our Way of the Universe transition. If you do not follow our Facebook page, you will miss most of the updates and the motivational and uplifting postings on our page.  (Click the link in the previous sentence to Follow us on Facebook.)

4. We strongly recommend keeping it simple by doing the following exercise for about 7 days and seeing how your life significantly improves in many areas. To do this simple "prove it to me" experiment, you do not need to know all the science behind every part of the Way of the Universe. To start, you will use the Universe Principles of right action and attitude, a big part of the Way of the Universe. The Universe Principles are derived from the science of evolution, which is the universe seen from its largest possible scale and from its earliest beginning to today.

Here is what to do to start:

Try a 7-day scientific experiment using our Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes to test the key benefits we offer to improve your life. "There is no better way to know a thing's truth than to test and experiment with it to verify its claim or results."  Unknown Scientist

Even if you do not yet fully understand the science behind the Right Actions and Right Attitudes of the Universe Principles, you can still try them. For 7 days, read and live them as best as you can.

It takes only about 5 minutes a day. At the end of this 7-day test, we believe that you will notice both profound and subtle improvements in your daily life caused by what the Universe Principles will do to enhance your awareness, attitude, and effective actions. 

Click here to start this easy, simple, and powerful living evolution-tested Universe Principles experiment!


About our Science-focused FAQ

This FAQ section is designed for individuals who are secular or science-focused. Our FAQ topics links are coded by the difficulty and complexity of the material. Scan through the list of the main topics below and then begin your next steps exploring Universe Spirit by what interests you most! 

In this FAQ area, each question is followed by a letter indicating the complexity of the answer: (B) = beginner, (I) = intermediate, and (A) = advanced. This FAQ can also be used as a check sheet for self- or group study of this page's topic sections. 

We strongly recommend going to intermediate or advanced materials once you understand our basic beginner materials! The intermediate and advanced materials are intended solely for dedicated students and members with a solid understanding of basic beginning-level materials.

Common Questions and Answers About the New Universe Worldview, the Universe Principles, Progressive Evolution, Evolutioneers, Universe Citizenship, and Our Nonprofit Organization

All 16 topic sections listed are linked to their respective pages further down the page at the end of this topics list. We strongly recommend that the best and easiest way to learn about the new Way of the Universe is to read about the Universe Evolutionary worldview first and then start practicing the Universe Principles of right action and attitude. This will allow you to quickly see the power and effectiveness of this new worldview and its principles when applied to your life.

1. How to Start the Seven Basic Steps of the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview and Experience its Many Benefits.

2. The Universe Principles of "Right Actions," Which Are Used Daily by Practitioners of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview

3. The Universe Principles of "Right Attitudes," Used Daily by Practitioners of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview.

4. What are the New Evolutioneers and Universe Citizens using the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview? 

5. The Sustainable Prosperity Vision of a Better, More Equitable Future for All.

6. The Basics of the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview's, Progressive Evolution,

7. More About the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview 

8. Why it is vital to understand that evolution has a progressive direction and how that direction is critical to understanding how to create a successful and meaningful life.

9. What is the New Universe One Eco-Community?

10. The Universe Evolutionary Worldview's Positions On Key Public and Social Issues.

11. The Essential Books of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview.

12. About  Our Organization.

13. Our Administrative Policies And Principles.

14. Our Glossary.

15. About Integral Evolutioneers.

16. Miscellaneous.

How to Start the Seven Basic Steps for Learning About the Universe Evolutionary Worldview and Experience Its Many Benefits


1. If you have not done so already, please click here for the First Time Visitor Quick Overview Booklet for the Evolution and Science Focus that is foundational to almost everything we do.  (B) It will help you get a quick general understanding of many fundamental ideas promoted by our organization.

2. What basic knowledge should I have after my first visit to the Universe Spirit website? (B) (Be sure to read this if you did not read our First Time Visitor pages.)

3. What are the Three Great Adventures for a successful, meaningful, and sustainable life forwarded by the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview (B)

4. What are the three most critical and essential areas of human knowledge needed to achieve life success? (B)

5. What do I need to bring and do to explore the Universe Evolutionary Worldview successfully? (B)

6. What is the Highest Objective Life Purpose for Both the Individual and Humanity? (B)

7. What are the Four Basic Attitudes of an Evolutioneer and Universe Evolutionary Worldview Practitioner? (B)


The Universe Principles "Right Actions," Which Are Used Daily by Practitioners of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview

If you have not done so already, please click here for the First Time Visitor Quick Overview Booklet for the Evolution and Science Focus that is foundational to almost everything we do.  (B) It will help you get a quick general understanding of many fundamental ideas promoted by our organization.

Introducing the Right Actions of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)

The Master List of Right Actions from the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B( (I) 

The Short Form Printable Version of the Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes. (B)

What the New Universe Principles of Sustainability will do for Your Life! (B)

The Universe Principles and Our Key Human Virtues (B)

The Universe Principles and the Open Source Model (I)

The Core "Value Interests" and Meta-Principles Found Within The Universe's Progressive Evolution (I) (A)

The Other Universe Principles of Sustainability for Right Attitude for Creating a Just Civilization and a Meaningful and Sustainable Prosperity (B)

Footnotes, Qualifications, and Additional Resources and Information Regarding the Universe Principles Right Actions (I) (A)


The Universe Principles "Right Attitudes," Which are Used Daily by Practitioners of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview

Introducing the Right Attitudes of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)

The Master List of Right Attitudes of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)

The Short Form Printable Version of the Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes. (B)

What the Universe Principles of Right Attitude and Right Action Will Do for Your Life! (B) 

The Benefits of Using the Universe Principles of Right Attitude and Right Action (B)

The Universe Principles' Right Attitudes and the Human Virtues (B)

Why the Right Attitudes Work so Well (I) (A)

How the Universe Principles of Right Attitude Relate to Justice and Energy Management (I) (A)

The Universe's Core Evolutionary Value-Interests (A)

Important Footnotes, Research and Science Notes and Details for the Universe Principles (I) (A)


What are Evolutioneers and the Universe Citizens using the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview

Universe Spirit is a community that supports and creates Universe Citizens, a.k.a. Evolutioneers. Understanding what these two terms mean and what values and actions they imply will give you a good feel for our community. A rapid way to understand these two concepts is to see them as very close to and exceeding the best universal and human values that many people have seen in the Star Trek movies and TV series.

If you have not done so already, please click here for the First Time Visitor Quick Overview Booklet for the Evolution and Science Focus that is foundational to almost everything we do.  (B) It will help you get a quick general understanding of many fundamental ideas promoted by our organization.

What is an Evolutioneer? Why Are They Important for a Better Future? (I)

What is an Evolutioneers' Great Commitment? (I) 

More About What is an Evolutioneer and how do I become an Evolutionner to co-partner with progressive evolution as a proactive agent for planetary improvement? (I)

To learn what the universe-scaled meta-perspectives of Evolutioneers, Universe Citizens, and Planetary Citizens are, click here. (I)

What do individuals do who that call themselves Evolutioneers? (I)

What is the Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Universe Citizens, Evolutioneers, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I)

What is the Universe Declaration of Rights for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I) 

What is the Universe Charter for Universe Citizens, Planetary Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Community Members? (I) 

How does an Evolutioneer and  Universe Citizen see the creation of a planetary government for Earth? (I)

To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.

Why do most Universe Spirit members eventually also see themselves as Evolutioneers, Universe Citizens, Evolutionaries, and Planetary Citizens? (I)(A)

What do Planetary Citizens know and do? (I)

What is a Universe Citizen, and what does universe citizenship entail? (I)

You can also click here to see our updated mission goals if you have not done so previously.

What does the Universe Symbol used on your websites symbolize and mean to Evolutioneers? click here. (B)


The Sustainable Prosperity Vision of a Just and More Equitable Future for All

Creating a sustainable and equitable future for all is the key to a survivable future. This section will help you understand the basics of how to do that.

What is the Sustainable Prosperity Revolution, Sustainable Economics and Prosumerism: The New Good Life, Hope for the Economy and the Future of Job Creation? (B)

The New Short Definition of Sustainable Prosperity

Why the Sustainable Prosperity Revolution Now and the Full Sustainable Prosperity Definition. 

How to Create a Sustainable Prosperity, Sustainable Consumerism (Prosumerism,) and a New Sustainable Economic System for All

How to Resolve the Next Great Global Jobs Crisis that Politicians, Businesses and the Federal Reserve Dare Not Discuss For Fear the Millenials and Younger Generations Might Revolt!

What are the Billions of Good Paying and Meaningful New Jobs of the Sustainable Prosperity, Sustainable Consumerism, and Sustainable Economy Revolution?

How You Can Promote Sustainable Prosperity to Create a Sustainable Economy

Some Advanced Concepts of Sustainable Prosperity

What is the New Worldview Behind Living the Principles for Creating Sustainable Prosperity, Sustainable Economics, and a Sustainable Consumerism?




The Basics of the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview and Progressive Evolution 

If you have not done so already, please click here for the First Time Visitor Quick Overview and Online booklet for this Evolution and Science-Focused Section (B) 

What is the Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (B)

What is the great news and great evolutionary hope provided by the Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (B)

What are the practical benefits of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview? (B)

What is the Highest Evolutionary Life Purpose of the Individual and Humanity? (B)

What is a Universe Evolutionary Worldview Practitioner's Greatest Commitment? (B) (I) 

What are the evolutionary and practical art-of-living skills taught within the Universe Evolutionary Worldview essential for a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life? (B)

What exactly is sustainable prosperity, and why is it one of our most crucial mission goals? (B)

What is Job One for Humanity, and how does it reflect our community's social action position on sustaining and stewarding the environment. (B) (I)

What is the New Golden Rule of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview or, How to Resolve Ethical and Moral Questions from an Evolutionary Perspective? (I)

Why is the Universe Worldview so crucial at Universe Spirit? (I)

What is the Definition of Evolution Science and Evolutionary Science? (B)


Much More About The New Universe Evolutionary Worldview 

How Does Progressive Evolution create a New Worldview: The Universe Worldview? (B)

What is the summary overview of the Universe Worldview? (I)

Why is the Universe Worldview so Important to Our Future? (B)

What are the practical benefits of the Universe Worldview? (B)

Who are some of the Thinkers, Authors, and Leaders of the Universe Worldview? (B)

Why is the Universe Principle of fair energy exchange critical for a successful life? (B)

How Can I help spread the Universe Worldview in my local area? (B)

What is the Evolutionary Impulse and Evolution's Prime Directive? (B)

In What Ways is the Universe Worldview growing into a Second Enlightenment for Humanity? (I)

What is Human Evolutionary Potential, and What is the Goal of All Human Life from an Evolution-Grounded Perspective? (I, A)

What do you mean by the Universe Worldview goal of sustainable prosperity for all? (I)

Why is Evolution's Genesis Information Important to Every Non-Spiritual and Spiritual Minded Individual? (I)

What are the four basics of Evolutionary Enlightenment? (I)

What are the Universe Evolutionary Worldview practical art-of-living skills taught essential for a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life? (I)

What is an Evolutioneer? Why Are They Important for a Better Future? (I)

What is Universe Consciousness, and how do I create it? (I)

What is the Essential Book List for Evolutioneers, Universe Community Members, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Citizens? (B), (I) and (A).

What is the Critical Role and Integral Balance of the "I," "We," and "It" Postmodern Three Reality Perspectives at Universe Spirit and in the Universe community? (I) (A)

Where can I go to get training in Advanced Dialectical Meta-Systemic Thinking Skills? (A)

You use the word "integral" a lot. What exactly do you mean by it? (I)

How the Universality of this New Woldview's Meta-Principles Counters the Naturalistic Fallacy. (A)

What are the practical art-of-living skills taught as part of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview toolset essential for a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life? (I)

To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.


Why it is vital to understand that evolution has a progressive direction and how that direction is critical to understanding how to create a successful and meaningful life.

If you have not done so already, please click here for the First Time Visitor Quick Overview Booklet for the Evolution and Science-Focus that is foundational to almost everything we do.  (B) It will help you get a quick general understanding of many basic ideas promoted by our organization.

Click here to read the definition of evolution science and why it is essential before going on.

Introduction to the Meta-Patterns and Meta-Principles of Progressive Evolution When Seen From A Whole System Universe Scale. (I) (A)

A Basic Progressive Evolution Definition (I) (A)

The Expanded Progressive Evolution Definition: The Processes, Levels, Patterns and "Products" of Evolution's Progressive Directionality. The Evolutionary Algorithm. (A)

What Happens if Any of the Developmental Steps of Progressive Evolution are Interfered with or Thwarted --- The Evolutionary Meta-Pattern of Destructive Creation. (I) (A)

The Continuous Change Factor of Evolution. (I) (A)

Extinction and Progressive Evolution. (I) (A)

The Theoretical End Result, Product, or Goal of the Progressive Evolution of the Universe. (I) (A)

How the Meta-Processes Meta-Principles and Directionality of Progressive Evolution Can Optimize Your Life Success in Practical Ways 

The Prime Directive of Evolution, (I) (A)

Progressive Evolution as an Objective Description of the Cycle and Meaning of Human Life. (I) (A)

Personal Self-Interests and Universe Evolution. (I) (A)

Our Role in an Ongoing Cosmo-Genesis. (I) (A)

More about the Basic Tensional Conflict Within Progressive Evolution. (I) (A)

The Progressive Evolution Controversy. (I) (A)

Progressive Evolution and the Inherent Conditioning Time/Space Field Qualities of the Universe. (I) (A)

Important Footnotes On Progressive Evolution and its Definition. (I) (A)

The Very, Very Long View of the Possibilities of Human Evolution

What is the New Universe Spirit Eco-Community

If you have not done so already, please click here for the First Time Visitor Quick Overview Booklet for the Evolution and Science-Focus that is foundational to almost everything we do.  (B) It will help you get a quick general understanding of many basic ideas promoted by our organization.

Our latest Universe Community descriptions, locations, and updates.

Introducing the Universe Community Vision, Principles, and Structure. (B)

Why Universe Communities now? (I)

The Planet's Most Serious Global Challenges Cannot Be Fixed with Tweaks of the Current Systems --- Evolution's Meta-Principle Wisdom is Needed! (I)

Why Our Organization is NOT a Survivalist, Prepper, Doomer, Post-Doomer or "Near Term Humanity Extinction" Community (B)

The Full Universe Community Vision, Principles, Values and Structure (I, A,)

How We Live in Our Intentional Universe Community (I)

How We See Our Universe Community Vision and Model Rapidly Expanding into New Universe Communities (I)

Essential Books to Help You Understanding the Universe Community, the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview the Core of the new Vision and Perspective of Evolutioneers and Planetary and Universe Citizenship (B, I, A)

The Universe Community Vision Summary (B)

How to Join Us in Building the Founding Universe Community San Francisco or in Self-Organizing your Own Autonomous Local Universe Community in Other Areas! (B)

Other Information and Related links to the Universe Community, Planetary Evolutioneers or Universe Citizens (I, A)

What is the Universe community's Evolutionary Genesis Story? (B)

What are the Key Administrative Qualities and Principles Used within the Universe Community? (B)

What are the practical art-of-living skills taught or soon to be introduced within the Universe Communities that are essential for a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life? (I)

Why is Progressive Evolution important in the Universe Community? (I)

How does the Universe Community view peace, conflict, and crisis viewed through the lens of progressive evolution? (I)

Why Most Universe community members eventually also come to see themselves as Universe Citizens. (I)(A)

What are the spiral meme levels of personal developmental consciousness used in the Universe Community? (A)

What are the Codes of Conduct and Ethics for Universe Community and Universe Spirit members? (I)

What is your position on healthy sexuality among Universe community members? click here. (B)

How to Create Your Own Universe Community? (I) (A)

What are your guidelines for creating and maintaining the online Universe community? (A)

Can I be a member of the Universe community or the Universe Spirit Organization and remain a member of my current religious denomination? (B)

How do I volunteer or become a Universe Community or Universe Spirit member? (B)

Why is it essential to provide a fair exchange for services one receives from the Universe Spirit organization and within the Universe Community? (B)

After you have read the above link materials, please click here to see our newest materials on Universe Eco communities at our new website. (There are four new pages of previously unseen eco-community materials here.) 


The Universe Evolutionary Worldview's Positions On Key Public and Social Issues

(Please note: B is starting level, I is intermediate level material, and A is advanced material.)

What is this new worldview's position on global warming and climate destabilization? (B) 

What is this new worldview's position on technology, particularly New Technologies such as genetic engineering, biotech, nanotech, artificial intelligence, artificial life, cybernetics, etc.? (I)

What is this new worldview's position on Population Management and Population Control? (B)

What is this new worldview's position on Government and the Governed, Economics, and Society? (I)

What are this new worldview's positions on peace, conflict, and crisis viewed through the lens of progressive evolution? (I)

What is this new worldview's position on nuclear energy? (B)

What is this new worldview's position on Evolutionary Transhumanism? (I)

To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.


What are the Essential New Universe Evolutionary Worldview Books to Read

(Please note: B is starting level, I is intermediate level material, and A is advanced material.)

What are the Key Books for Beginners Level 1 and 2? (B)

What are the Key Books for the Intermediate Levels? (I)

What are the Key Books for Advanced Levels? (A)


About The Universe Spirit Organization


What does the Universe Symbol used on your websites symbolize and mean? click here. (B)

What is the Universe Spirit Non-profit Organization? (B)

What is the Universe Spirit mission? (B)

What is the organization's history? (B)

Who runs the organization and manages the Universe Spirit website? (B)

How many people are currently involved in Universe Spirit? (B)

What are the key goals of Universe Spirit? (I)

What is the Universe Institute? (A)

What is Your Mission for Advanced Students? (A)

What is your Universe Day celebration, and when is it? (B)

What is the Century of Women that Universe Spirit promotes? (B)

To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.

How can my organization form an alliance with your organization? (B) (Email us your proposal at [email protected])

What is the relationship between the Universe College, Universe Academy, Universe Institute, and Universe Spirit websites? (B)

What Are Universe Spirit's Administrative Policies And Principles


What is your organizational position on the evolutionary process itself when applied to new information and the organization? (B)

What is your organization's position on the importance of open dialog within the movement? (I)

What are the collaboration principles used in your organization? (I)

What is the role of the co-intelligence principles used by Universe Community members to expand the movement? (A)

What are the self-organization principles that the Universe Community uses? (I)

What is your organization's position on human rights and human responsibilities? (I)

What is your organization's position on social activism? (I)

What is your organization's position on polarizing individuals or groups? (I)

What is your organization's position on the importance of personalities or celebrities within the Universe movement? (B)

What is your organization's position on copyright ownership, commercial uses, individual recognition, patents, and trademarks concerning spiritual wisdom and the global spiritual commons? (B)

What are the complete operational and administrative principles of the Universe Spirit community? (A)

To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.

Our Key Word Glossary

What do you mean when you use the words Ultimate Reality? (B)

What do you mean when you use the word integral? (I)

What do you mean when you use the term self-organizing? (I)

What do you mean by systems thinking? (A)

What do you mean by dialectical meta-systemic thinking? (A)


About Integral Evolutioneers and Universe Integral

What do you mean when you use the word integral with your version of Universe Integral? (I)

What is the relationship between Universe Integral and the Integral Movement? (I)

What are the integral roles of the "I, We, and It" Perspectives within Evolution 2.0 and its Universe Evolutionary Worldview and at Universe Spirit? (I)

What are the New Hybrid Integral Evolutioneers, Evolutionaries, or Universe Evolutionaries, and what do they believe and do within Universe Integral. (I)



Recommended Universe Spirit Website Exploration Paths For Returning Visitors and Advanced Students

About Universe College: (Universe College is currently under re-construction and upgrade, and the links below may not be working. We hope to have it back up in the fourth quarter of 2021.)

What is the Universe College? (B)

How do I decide which Universe College course is right for me? (B)

What are the goals of the Universe College? (B)

What are the Practical Art-of-Living Skills that are taught at the Universe College? (B)

What are the course costs, and how does your suggested donation-free access system work for most courses? (B)

What is the Relationship Between the Universe College, Universe Institute, and Universe Spirit websites? (B)

To volunteer and become an Evolutioneer for one of our many projects or administrative positions, click here.


Special Note: All of the Materials on the Universe Spirit Website are always like evolution itself in a continuous evolutionary process. We invite you to self-organize and local study group or meet-up group or even a local center to share, evolve, and adapt these materials as is appropriate.

If you have a question that is not answered on our FAQs, please feel free to e-mail it to us at [email protected] with "New FAQ Question" in the subject line.

Click this Join/Subscribe link or the one at the top of the page, and we will keep you informed of events and important updates.

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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers