Critical Community Spiritual Safeguards

Difficulty Codes Used in the Evolution Spirituality Master FAQ below:

Difficulty Ratings:

1.) beginner (B,)

2.) intermediate (I,)

3.) advance (A,) and,

4.) teacher/minister/co-founder (TMC.)

Other Content-Type Ratings:

In some areas, we have added the following content codes. [R2.0] for mostly all-new Evolution Spirituality materials, [R1.5] for mostly older Spirituality/Religion version 1.5 materials, or [R1.0] for mostly the oldest Spirituality/Religion version 1.0 materials. If there is no content rating, you can assume that it is mostly the new Evolution Spirituality material.

What are the Essential Spiritual Safeguards Used within the Evolution Spirituality Community?

What are the qualities of Healthy Spiritual Practices? (B) [R1.5]

How does one know when they are becoming attuned to an authentic guiding "voice" within or to the guidance of Ultimate Reality? (B) [R1.5]

How can I know whether my spiritual practices are effective? (B) [R1.5]

How does the Open-Source Practice of "Forking" Protect The Evolution Spirituality Movement? (B)

What are the warning signs of unhealthy or dangerous spiritual practices? (B) [R1.5]

What are the warning signs of a destructive cult? (B) [R1.5]

Who is vulnerable to mind control tactics in spiritual organizations? (B) [R1.5]

What is the definition of mind control? (B)

What are the main coercive mind control tactics? (B)

How does coercive mind control work? (B)

Common questions and answers about mind control in spiritual settings (B) [R1.5]

Does religion have any valid use for mind control? (B)

What are the seven steps that empower individuals to find transformational healing and recovery after suffering cult or mind control abuse? (B) [R1.5]

Do you have a code of ethics for your Evolution Spirituality "Life and Spirit" ministers, facilitators, teachers, and Spiritual Guides? (B)

What are the 4 stages of faith and the and meta-framework in which healthy spiritual development normally takes place as individuals mature? (I) [R1.5]

Please Note: The Spiritual Safeguards listed just above are also a supportive adjunct to the Open Source Spirituality core kernel of Evolution Spirituality. (I)

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