Eco-Spirituality is also known as Evolution Spirituality, Evo Spirituality, Universe Spirituality, and Evolutionary Spirituality. Below please find the beginning level ideas and practices of Evo Spirituality and our master FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions.)
Difficulty Codes Used in the Eco-Spirituality (Evolution Spirituality) Master FAQ below
Difficulty Ratings:
1.) beginner (B,)
2.) intermediate (I,)
3.) advance (A,) and,
4.) teacher/minister/co-founder (TMC.)
Other Content-Type Ratings:
In some areas, we have added the following content codes. [R2.0] for mostly all-new Evolution Spirituality materials, [R1.5] for mostly older Spirituality/Religion version 1.5 materials, or [R1.0] for mostly the oldest Spirituality/Religion version 1.0 materials. If there is no content rating, you can assume that it is mostly the new Evolution Spirituality material.
The Beginning Level Ideas and Practices of Eco and Evolution Spirituality
What is Evolution Spirituality? This is the main online booklet for all Evolution Spirituality beginners.
Also, see the menu branching off the Evolution Spirituality navigation linkÂ
How to Get Started with the Begining Level Practices of Evolution SpiritualityÂ
The steps are listed in the order they should be done.
For 30 days, read, embrace, and live each day the short form Right Actions and the Right Attitudes of the Universe Principles of Sustainability. At the end of 30 days, notice both the significant and subtle changes in your world from this important change in your awareness, attitude, and actions.
If you have experienced important benefits from the step above then, click here and see if you are ready to make an important commitment to advancing your fullest possible evolution.
While you are reading the book in the step below, go to the Job One for Humanity multi-step plan right now and at least pick the single easiest plan step for you to begin. Begin it soon, and after you have done that easy first step, go on to the next easiest step, etc. There are important easy starting steps in the Job One for Humanity plan that you can do to make a real, local difference!
Read the book EarthDance: Living Systems in Evolution by Elisabet Sahtouris. This book is great for a basic scientific understanding of the "big picture" basics of how the whole universe has evolved over the last 13.7 billion years. It is an interesting and amazing read of how evolution shows us over and over again that it is not "survival of the fittest," but the survival of the most wisely cooperative. This book also contains the core of the new Genesis story used within Evolution 2.0, and its Universe Evolutionary Worldview to help us inform (or realign) our sense of individual and collective origin, identity, and purpose as Evolutioneers. (B)
Review why an Evolution Grounded Genesis Story is Important to Every Spiritual Individual. (B)
Review Evolution Spirituality's Science-Grounded Genesis Story. (B)
Learn how you can know whether your Evolution Spirituality practices are effective. (B)
Review the FAQ links in this beginner section and read the ones that look most interesting to you about the other qualities and attributes of Evolution Spirituality.
Congratulations! You are now a Level One practitioner of Evolution Spirituality.Â
How to Get Assistance in Learning and Using the Beginning Ideas of Evolution Spirituality
What is your recommended Evolution Spirituality reading list? (B)
What are other areas I can explore at Universe Spirit? (B)
How do I find your Universe Spirit location(s) or attend an event? (B)
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