The 2022 Climate Change Predictions: Our Most Read and Shared Annual Blog Post:

We challenge you to review our 2022 climate change consequence predictions below. Don’t get caught off-guard by accelerating climate change!


Please print these predictions out and watch the 2022 news to verify their accuracy for yourself. Almost all of our past annual climate predictions have been amazingly accurate. You may be quite surprised by some of these predictions!


The climate prediction sections for 2022 and beyond are as follows:

    1. The climate consequence predictions for 2022. 
    2. The big climate tipping point and warning sign to continually monitor! 
    3. Climate predictions for the next ten years.
    4. Climate predictions for the coming 2-5 decades.
    5. Conclusion.
    6. The many benefits of fixing climate change.
    7. What you can do to adapt to and survive the 2022 climate consequences and beyond.
    8. Documentation links for our prediction materials.

Our Climate Change Consequence Predictions for What Will Most Affect You, Your Business, and Nation in 2022


Individuals, businesses, and nations will experience more frequentsevere, and larger scaled

    1. air turbulence, reported by airlines and airline passengers as our atmosphere boils and churns as it continues heating, (much like the water in a heated pressure cooker.)
    2. extreme storms, hail, winds (Derechos,)
    3. rain bombs, where a week or month or season's worth of rain falls in a few hours or days,
    4. heatwaves, heat domes, and considerably more 100 degrees + days (More 100 degree + days during the growing season means more crop failures and lower yields.)
    5. droughts (We are currently experiencing global warming-aggravated mega-droughts that have lasted one or more decades, in the US Southwest and West, Africa, and Australia.) 
    6. desertification,
    7. wildfires and wildfire smoke issues (Wildfires will increase due to increasing heat and droughts. Wildfire smoke is full of the most health dangerous PM 2.5 particles.) 
    8. more insurance companies will raise rates or cancel their insurance of homes or businesses in climate change high-risk zones. They will abandon the previous 100-year floodplain, wildfire, and extreme weather risk charts and look to create new 1,000-year floodplain, wildfire, and extreme weather charts. These new charts will better compensate them for the accelerating consequences and risks of global warming.
    9. sea-level rise and weather-induced flooding, near coastal areas, rivers, streams, and lakes,
    10. power outages due to climate change disasters.
    11. increased animal and insect migrations trying to adapt to climate consequences. This will bring more new insect and animal diseases to new and unprepared areas,
    12. COVID-19 variant outbreaks, other epidemics, and more and Covid-like new pandemics. (Aids, Mers, Sars, Swine flu, Avian bird flu, and most likely Covid-19 are zoological viral diseases that have come to humans from animals. This zoological disease cross-over effect is fueled by the loss of natural animal habitat, eating more wild animals, overcrowding causing more human to animal interactions, less resilient health systems, mass animal and human migrations, and the melting of the permafrost and its ancient viral and bacterial pathogens.
    13. hurricanes, cyclones, and tornadoes will see more Category 6's. (These new category six hurricanes and typhoons will occur due to all of the extra global warming-caused heat in our atmosphere and oceans. The category six hurricane-level begins with a maximum of sustained winds of 182 MPH. There have been just two category six hurricanes recorded so far, hurricane Patricia and Wilma.)
    14. significant out-of-season changes like rain and warm weather during winters and more severe cold spells in both winter and summers,
    15. seasons not beginning or ending when they usually would,
    16. shrinking sea ice and ice shelves, glaciers and snowpack,
    17. accelerating reef collapses around the world, which negatively affects fish spawning and feeding areas, which causes the collapse of critical protein global fish populations, which causes more human starvation around the world. 
    18. increased ocean acidification, making biologic life harder for many species and fish stocks in the oceans.
    19. starvation worldwide, this starvation will be primarily because of climate-related crop failures and crop yield reductions. Crops will fail or be stunted because of global warming aggravated heatwaves, rain bombs, droughts, flooding, wildfires, out-of-season cold spells, hail, Derechos (severe wind storms), and other extreme weather or out-of-season weather destabilization. Food prices will rise to compensate for crop losses considerably more than the typical cost of living increases.
    20. The most expensive single-incident climate change disaster in 2022 will approach or exceed 300 billion dollars in total cost in the US. The total cost of all other US climate change-related damages will exceed 1 trillion dollars. In 2022 the US and many other countries will, directly and indirectly, spend about 3-5% of their total gross domestic product (GDP) on climate change-related consequences. (The current US GDP is just over 28 trillion dollars.)
    21. increased toxic fossil fuel-related air pollution and air pollution-related deaths and diseases from burning carbon and methane-based fossil fuels. Directly or indirectly, air pollution causes approximately 11 to 13% of ALL global deaths each year. That is about one out of every eight global deaths!
    22. loss of biodiversity through more animal, fish, and insect extinctions,
    23. increased releases of methane from melting tundra, and permafrost (methane as a heat-producing greenhouse gas is about 80 times more potent than carbon in heating the atmosphere.) 
    24. in 2021, 85% of the world experienced weather extremes due to climate change like those mentioned in this document. In 2022 that percentage goes to 90% of humanity or more.
    25. San Francisco, California, will wisely be the first city to change its current 3-foot protective sea wall plans and build at least a ten-foot sea wall to survive projected sea-level rise over the following decades.
    26. 2022 will be another year in which more weather and climate records will be broken than in 2021. These new records will not be in areas good for humanity.
    27. more people will suffer and die in 2022 because of climate change-related consequences than any other previous year.
    28. only a tiny portion of humanity will become aware of the truth of our global warming extinction emergency and that our governments have failed for decades when the global fossil fuel reduction would have been far easier to make. Most of humanity will still not grasp that if we do not come close to the correct global fossil fuel reduction targets by 2025, half of humanity will die by mid-century. 
    29. major environmental groups will continue to allow the fossil fuel-friendly and "far too little, far too late" fossil fuel reduction targets of the world governments to go unchallenged. 

A friend of Job One recently wrote us about how his life is changed in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. "Up here in BC this year, we have had record heat for a record amount of time, record wildfires, record rainfall, and once in a century flooding. Climate change deniers are just not looking at what is right in front of their eyes."

The Single Biggest Climate Tipping Point and Warning Sign to Monitor Over the Next Few Years

The most critical climate tipping point to continually watch is the Thwaites glacier in Antarctica. It is often called the Doomsday glacier. 

Scientists have just predicted Thwaites could break away into the sea in as little as the next five years. If Thwaites does cross key internal tipping points, breaks off, and slides into the sea, and the glaciers behind it start breaking off into the sea, it will lead to as much as a 2-foot sea-level rise in just a few decades. When most of the glaciers behind Thwaites also slide into the sea, we will experience as much as a 10-foot sea-level rise in a matter of 3-7 decades. 

This 10-foot sea-level rise will not happen because of the immense size of the Thwaites glacier itself. Instead, it will happen because once the Thwaites glacier is in the ocean, it will no longer hold and prevent other large glaciers from sliding off the Antarctic mountains into the sea in an unstoppable chain reaction. 

Please note that the calculations above are not only for the Thwaites glacier they are for ALL of the many crossed climate tipping points interacting with and coincident with the doomsday glacier over the following 3-7 decades.

When the Thwaites glacier slides into the ocean, we have indeed crossed a major climate tipping point. When Thwaites breaks off, it is your mega warning sign that global warming consequences will get far, far worse very fast, and many other important climate tipping points will also soon be crossed! 

It is your final warning to get your emergency preparations or relocation adaptations in order unless you want to try to prepare in the middle of an emergency when everyone else is also desperately trying to get whatever they need. 

50% of the world’s total population lives near coastal areas. With only a 2-foot sea live rise, billions will have to migrate away from the coast. Hundreds of trillions of dollars in damage and loss will occur because homes, cities, water treatment plants, sewage systems, electrical systems, and other critical infrastructure of the many cities located on the coasts will be and remain flooded and unusable.

Take a second, and try to imagine what only a 2-foot global sea rise will do to coastal communities and cities worldwide. The Thwaites doomsday glacier breaking off IS a crucial climate change tipping point to watch like a hawk!

Climate Change Consequence Predictions for the Next 10 Years

We will cross key climate tipping points in the next 3-9 years (2025-2031). As we cross key climate tipping points, this will cause climate change consequences not to continue to gradually increase in frequency, severity, and scale as they are doing now. Pushed by crossed climate tipping points, many climate change consequences will soon start to increase exponentially!

In the graph below, the red line is an example of a gradual linear, steady, and predictable climate change consequence growth trajectory. (Linear progression equals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, etc.) The green line below is an example of a sudden, exponential, and highly unpredictable climate change consequence growth trajectory. (Exponential progression equals 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 264, etc.)




The above-mentioned exponential climate consequence transition corresponds to when we cross the critical atmospheric carbon 425-450 ppm tipping point and threshold. We are at about carbon 420 ppm currently. (Why crossing the carbon 425 ppm to 450 ppm tipping point level is so important is explained in the links in the document section at the end of this page.)

Here are the major consequences to watch for over the next ten years, many of which will also be increasing in frequency, severity, and scale:

      1. There will be far more work disruptions and production stresses. The human capacity to work outside of enclosures and even inside will go down significantly as temperatures accelerate and new records are broken. Not including dealing with further extreme weather consequences, accelerating climate change will cause more and longer costly business, production, and distribution delays and interruptions.
      2. Worldwide city zoning and planning departments and long-range corporate planners will begin amending their building and other codes as well as their long-term plans to compensate for or adapt to the accelerating severity of climate change-related consequences. Cities will have to start expanding their sewers systems because of rain bombs, raising highways from flood-prone areas, building expensive sea walls, moving key electrical, communication, water purification, and sewage treatment plants from high-risk flood or fire areas. And, they will also have to change their building codes so that homes and buildings can survive the 1,000-year extreme storms and category six hurricanes and tornadoes that will soon be coming regularly. 
      3. Food prices will continue to soar globally because of climate consequences, causing crop yields to drop or some crops to fail. Expect to pay a much larger percent of your total budget to buy the same or lesser amounts of food.
      4. There will be mass human migrationto the global warming safer zones. In 2019, the United Nations estimated 100 million individuals migrated from high-risk areas to safer areas or countries because of their homelands' deteriorating climate. More individuals will also migrate from high-risk climate areas to low-risk areas within large nations. By 2030, 500 million to 1 billion people will be displaced or migrating because of the many interrelated climate change consequences.
      5. Immigration laws in global warming safer counties will become much stricter because of surging climate migrations. Many nations will close their borders entirely due to being overwhelmed by climate migrants.
      6. There will be substantial ongoing economic losses. (Most nations will spend an ever-increasing percentage of their total gross domestic product (GDP) directly or indirectly paying for the many consequences of the global warming emergency in 2022. The cost of living for repair, maintenance, building, or rebuilding in the global warming safer areas will continue to rise significantly. By 2030 the US and many other countries will, directly and indirectly, spend about 5%-10% of their total gross domestic product (GDP) on climate change-related consequences and disasters. 
      7. Global stock and commodity markets, which have grossly underestimated the costs and the multitude of business problems associated with the plethora of interrelated climate change consequences, will begin to experience wild market swings and some collapses in the weaker markets. Because of new climate-related economic shocks to the markets, the probability of an economic recession or depression on national or global levels becomes a significantly higher probability. 
      8. The poor will get much poorer because of continuously escalating climate consequences, disasters, and work interruptions. A widespread crime rate increase will be survival driven by a starving, unemployed poor or the migrant population. (Imagine hundreds of millions of desperate individuals trying to stay alive by any means possible!)
      9. More climate scientists, climate researchers, and climate-informed individuals, as well as well-informed ultra-wealthy individuals and corporations, will be discretely migrating to or buying land in the world's remaining global warming safer areas. This safer land is only about 5% of the world's available landmass. 
      10. More individuals will become doomers or doomsday peppers as they grasp the severity and accelerating difficulties of the climate extinction emergency. A recent survey showed that 50% of generation Z believes they are doomed. 
      11. Democracies can only exist and grow with an environmental surplus or sufficiency. Because of accelerating climate change-related consequences, democracies worldwide will become less democratic and more authoritarian. This change will happen because climate change will destroy valuable resources. With more destroyed or unusable resources, the world's population will become significantly more competitive, more aggressive, and more polarized. There will be more local, regional, and national climate-aggravated national wars and conflicts.
      12. The fossil fuel industry will not give up trying to make the world's population believe it is safe when it is not. To keep massive profits rolling in from its toxic products, it will start or continue promoting things like clean hydrogen made from methane from fracking, clean coal, clean gasoline, and who knows, they might even find a way to sell us clean green tar sands.
      13. the fundamental climate normalcy and relative stability that humanity has come to depend upon for its existence for tens of thousands of years are now gone. Severe climate instability and unpredictability are the new reality.
      14. More governments worldwide will finally begin to require their citizens to have at least a two-week supply of food, water, and other needed supplies due to increasing climate-related disasters and growing delays in getting disaster relief and aid to them.
      15. Climate change is no longer a problem for our grandchildren as it was 40 years ago. It is already a severe problem for generations X, Y, and Z. It is accelerating so fast that even the baby boomers and other retirees will feel its painful stings as their lives come to a close.
      16. Sadly, we will not reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and worse yet, we will most likely not even get close to them! (We had to reduce ALL fossil fuel burning in developed countries (including China and India) by 75% by 2025, but considerably and justly less than that in undeveloped countries. This near impossible 75% reduction exists now because our governments wasted 40 years of warnings.) 

Climate Change Consequence Predictions for the Next 2-5 Decades

    1. The new Biden-era US fossil fuel reductions are still based on grossly inadequate fossil fuel reduction calculations that will provide the uninformed a temporary false hope but eventually an extremely painful and harsh dose of reality. Unless the US government adopts the correct 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and leads the rest of the world to enforce these targets immediately, unavoidably, half of humanity will be dead by mid-century! 
    2. Courts worldwide will begin convicting and severely punishing individuals, corporations, and even governments of acts of commission or omission that directly or indirectly caused, contributed to, or enabled the ongoing climate change-related mass human and biological extinction.
    3. If the world's governments significantly miss the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets, total human extinction will begin within 50 to 70 years or less. Because humanity will be unable to recover from or adapt to the accelerating frequency, severity, and scale of worsening climate change-related consequences, humanity faces the painful road of escalating economic, political, and social chaos and collapse long before its final members pass away.


Until our governments have the courage to tell their citizens that we have to go through a painful period of enormous individual and collective sacrifice to get close to the 2005 global fossil fuel reduction targets, and they enforce laws to ensure we do, we are doomed to ever-increasing suffering and death because of the immutable laws of climate physics and climate math.

Maybe a 1/2 trillion dollar single incident climate mega-disaster will finally get the world's governments serious about cutting global fossil fuels usage to, at least, get close to the 2025 global targets.

The 800-pound gorilla in the room and big problem today is we are not listening to the ever-louder and more costly destructive feedback that Mother Nature is giving us during this accelerating climate change emergency. Therefore, Mother Nature will do as she has always done. She will turn up her destructive climate consequence feedback to even higher, more painful levels and hopefully get our attention before it is too late. 

Mother Nature can be fully trusted to continue to act as she has for the last 10,000 years of human evolution. She will continue to favor the wise, the well-informed, the best prepared, and the most cooperative.

The Many Benefits of Fixing Climate Change

The above predictions can be disheartening, but there are many benefits available if we work together and come close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets. Please take the time to read these benefits to counterbalance all of the difficult news above. Then go on to the next section that will help you make the needed changes, preparations, and adaptations.

Click here to read about dozens of these worthwhile benefits. This is the most read page on our website with millions of views.


What You Can Do to Adapt to, Survive, and Slow Down the Coming Avoidable and Unavoidable Climate Change Extinction Emergency

There is a lot of bad news in the predictions above, but we can still do many things to slow down this extinction emergency and live longer, more comfortable lives.

Here are a few of the positive and easy things we can start today:

  1. Sign the online global warming extinction emergency petition by clicking here.
  2. Share these 2022 predictions everywhere and with everyone you think they should be shared.
  3. Watch the new Netflix movie "Don't Look Up" with a host of big Hollywood stars. It's not so secretly about climate change extinction and what you have just read.
  4. Start the comprehensive Job One Climate and Global Crises Resilience Plan today by clicking here.
  5. Become a volunteer and Evolutioneer and help us sort out this nightmare by clicking here.
  6. Donate to keep the Job One for Humanity non-profit organization speaking painful truths to power by clicking here.


Documentation links for our 2022 prediction materials

Reference Topic 1: We have been given the far lower incorrect global fossil fuel reduction targets by fossil fuel compromised "trusted" authorities. Learn why you can't believe the so-called world's leading authority on climate change (the UN IPCC) for legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets or their consequence predictions and timetables:

Click here to understand the long-term history of the IPCC underestimating the consequences, timeframes, and the needed global fossil fuel reduction targets by as much as 20-40% or more.

Click here to see precisely how the IPCC "cooked the books" and grossly skewed the current IPCC global fossil fuel reduction calculations by including unproven and non-existent "carbon sucking unicorn" technology into their projections. 

Click here to see the eleven key climate change tipping points that have been mostly excluded from the IPCC calculations on how much fossil fuel use we must reduce each year globally. 

Click here to see the four key reasons why the IPCC's 26 global climate conferences have failed to produce results or legitimate global fossil fuel reduction targets.

Click here to see the REAL 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and why we must get close to a 75% reduction in total global fossil fuel use (oil, natural gas, coal, etc.) by 2025, not the far, far less net-zero emission levels they have pledged by 2050 or 2040! (In the technical notes at the bottom of the 2025 fossil fuel reduction specification page, you will see each calculation and compensation for the various factors that make up the required correct global fossil fuel reduction numbers.)

To see the many mass mobilization actions our governments must now take to get close to the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets and save humanity from near-total extinction, click here.

Reference Topic 2: How can the probability (or even the possibility) of a soon-arriving near-total human extinction be accurate? 

Click here to see a detailed "big picture" catastrophic meltdown of our global warming consequences and tipping points. Their interactions with our other 11 major global crises will produce starvation and extinction for much of humanity by mid-century and near-total extinction beginning as soon as 2070.

Click here to see the four major global warming extinction-evoking tipping points and how close we are to crossing them. The first tipping point of carbon 425-450 ppm will explain precisely why climate change consequences will start growing exponentially in about 3-9 years.

Reference Topic 3: What governments must do to save the future

It is time to also call for global warming legal accountability, the immediate termination of all global fossil fuel subsidies, and placing a worldwide price for all corporations on their carbon, methane, and other greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. 

Click here to learn more about the Fee and Dividend carbon pricing and other critical actions our governments and corporations must immediately take to reach the 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets.

Reference Topic 4: The deep causes of this whole climate catastrophe mess

To understand the most profound reasons behind our current global warming emergency and our 11 other most dangerous global crises, please get the book Overshoot. In it, you can learn about the concept of the Earth's carrying capacity (the land and sea acreage available and needed for any given population's critical survival needs.) 

Click here for global warming migration information and information on the safer global warming areas.

Reference Topic 5: Miscellaneous 

Click here and read our Job One for Humanity policy on the necessary disruption of all false or dangerous climate, global warming, and environmental acts or ideas.

Please continue to educate yourself about these life-critical climate issues by exploring the documentation and analysis found on this website.

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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers