What are the Key Spiritual and Secular Principles and Position Papers of Evolution Spirituality?

What is your position on personal spiritual choice and spiritual authority? (B)

What is your position on the non-equality of all spiritual information? (B)

What is your position on the questioning of spiritual or religious faith, beliefs and practices? (B)

What is your position on Miracles? (B)

What is your position on revelation and organizational spiritual authority? (B)

What is your position on the pathologies and abuses of past and current religions? (B)

What is your position on the importance of personalities or celebrities within the Religion 2.0 and Evolution Spirituality movements? (B)

What is your position on polarizing individuals or groups? (B)

What is your perspective o­n religion itself and on the diversity of other religions? (B)

Is Evolution Spirituality "the only or highest spiritual truth? And how does Evolution Spirituality feel about the spiritual truths of other religious organizations? (B)

What is your position on a requirement of allegiance to the Evolution Spirituality movements? (B)

What are your principles concerning open dialog? (B)

What is your position on copyright ownership, commercial uses, individual recognition, patents, and trademarks concerning spiritual wisdom and the global spiritual commons? (B)

What is your position on sexuality? (I)

What is your position on what is spiritual truth and the usefulness of spiritual belief, dogma, myths, and metaphors? (I)


What are the Key Secular Positions of Evolution Spirituality

What is your position on Population Management and Population Control? (B)

What is your position on global warming and climate destabilization? (B) (I)

What is your position on Technologies such as genetic engineering, biotech, nanotech, artificial intelligence, artificial life, cybernetics, etc.?  (I)

What is your position on Evolutionary Transhumanism? (I)

What is your position on nuclear energy? (I)

What is your position on the evolutionary process itself when applied to new information and the organization? (I)

What is your position on human rights and human responsibilities? (I)

What is your position on social activism? (I)

What is your position on peace, conflict, and crisis viewed through the lens of progressive evolution? (I)

What are the collaboration principles used in the Evolution Spirituality movement? (A)

What is the role of the co-intelligence principles used by Universe Spirit community members to expand the movement? (A)


What are your Key Position Papers on Government and the Governed, Economics, and Society of Evolution Spirituality and Religion 2.0

What are the Universe Evolutionary Worldview Positions on Government and the Governed, Economics, and Society? (A)

What is the Universe Declaration of Responsibilities for Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, Evolutionaries, and Universe Community Members? (A)

What is the Universe Declaration of Rights for Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, Evolutionaries, and Universe community members? (A)

What is The Universe Charter for Planetary Citizens, Universe Citizens, Universe Evolutionaries, and Universe community members? (A)

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