The Universe Principles

Last updated 1.22.25.

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The Universe Principles below represent the core basics of the Way of the Universe. Practicing the Universe Principles will align your life with the most successful and sustainable system that has ever existed. That system is universe evolution or what we call Progressive EvolutionYour life will dramatically improve as you practice the principles and actions described below.

The Universe Principles work because your life and existence are completely embedded inside the universe's evolutionaries system. By understanding and aligning with this system your life can't help but improve in the most important and meaningful ways. As you practice the universe principles the (the Way of the Universe) you are aligning with and tapping into the most powerful, time-proven, reoccurring patterns of successful and sustainable action found within the 13.7 billion-year-old evolution of the universe.


The Universe Principles of Right Action and Right Attitude are based the principles of Progressive EvolutionThey are a comprehensive new set of essential actions and attitudes that balance individual and collective rights and responsibilities in sustainable, effective, and universalized ways just like universe evolution eventually does as well.

At the end of each description for the Universe Principles of Right Action or Right Attitude, you'll find a link to a shorter printable version that you can use to do a seven-day experiment to prove the dramatic power of these principles in your life.

Why The Universe Principles are Important:

Directly or indirectly, the evolutionary processes of the master universe condition and control all actions within the universe. Therefore, understanding the evolutionary processes controlling and conditioning the universe, simplified in the form of the Universe Principles, will help you make the right decisions and take the right actions at the right time and in the right way. In practical terms, the more your life aligns with and manifests the Universe Principles of right action and right attitude, the better your life will become. Once you start practicing the Universe Principles, you will prove this powerful claim to yourself.

The Universe Principles of Right Action

The Universe Principles of Right Action illustrated in photos on the following pages of this online booklet are based upon acting in alignment with the most repeated core success action patterns of the last 13.7 billion years of evolution. They align an optimal balance of individual freedom interests (agency) and group responsibility interests (communion and community) and the master universe's evolutionary interests. (The companion Universe Principles of Right Attitude are linked later in this online booklet.)

A simple way to think about these most repeated universe core success patterns is that they are the key value interests of the universe in its evolutionary processes. In the Universe Principles, you will often see the phrase “in alignment with the universe’s value interests,” therefore it is essential to know just what those universe value interests actually are before reading the Universe Principles and why the universe’s value interests are in reality so much more dominant and powerful than just your self-interests or your group’s localized interests. 


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Why the Universe Principles are important is simple:

  1. The universe and its evolutionary processes are the largest known master system. It unconditionally is both the last and first force that is unstoppable and ultimately conditions, qualifies, and controls all of its subsystems—subsystems like you, your business, your government, and even the planet and solar system as whole systems.
  2. If anyone or anything continually or repeatedly remains out of alignment with the universe's core value interests, they or it will eventually be slowed, pushed back, broken down, and then recycled.
  3. Whether consciously aware of it or not, as a universe sub-system, you exist and are completely embedded within the unstoppable flow of the master Universe's progressive evolutionary procession toward the universe's ultimate destinations. If your individual or group values and actions are out of alignment with the master Universe's unstoppable progressive evolutionary process, your actions and goals will not be sustainably fruitful. They will eventually be broken down and recycled because of the master universe's dominant over-control of all its embedded sub-systems.
  4. Ultimately, in evolutionary terms, despite how it appears culturally, “You do not belong to you..." [alone or even mostly]. "You belong to the universe." Buckminster Fuller

"[Evolution] appears to be not only a series of accidents the course of which is determined only by the change of environments during Earth history and the resultant struggle for existence,… but is governed by definite laws… The discovery of these laws [principles] constitutes one of the most important future tasks." --- Ludwig von Bertalanffy, biologist

Living by the Universe Principles also provides a wholly rational and ultimately worthy primary goal in life to serve that which is both far greater than themselves and that enhances not only one's personal life success but also creates a deep life satisfaction and meaning and the best for the groups to which that individual belongs.


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The Universe Principles have two forms: The Right Actions and the Right Attitudes. 

Click here to read and start the Universe Principles of Right Actions.

Click here to read and start the Universe Principles of Right Attitudes.

(Important Note: Always apply the Universe Principles of Right Action using the balancing "attitude" perspectives of the Universe Principles of Right Attitude! 

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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers