The Open-Source practice of "Forking" is a natural evolutionary method to manage bad actors entering our movement or communities and gaining positions of considerable control. Forking simply means that if a bad actor gets a position of authority within our organization or in a Universe eco-community, and all efforts to change their behavior have failed, others in that organization or community are encouraged to fork away from those bad actors in whatever ways they can.
This forking away would include leaving those organizations and communities and starting new organizations and communities that do not have that bad actor involved. Evolution does this in systems that are not adapting adequately to their environmental feedback.
In more detail, this means that in any of our science, environmental, global warming, or personalized spirituality work, any dependent organizations, individuals or facilitators, or teachers who repeatedly or seriously fail to follow the recommended standard Universe Spirit member conduct codes, ethical teacher guidelines or spiritual safeguards.
Here is how it works in practice.
Independent organizations or individuals who are part of our movement or organizational center network who repeatedly fail to follow the member conduct codes ethical guidelines or spiritual safeguards are managed in an evolutionary manner because no one owns the UniverseSpirit's Kernel and "source code" materials and --- we have no final authority or "Pope" that can demand or enforce compliance in operational matters due to our absolute belief in free will in life and spiritual choices as well as nonviolent spiritual practice matters.
This means that Universe Spirit practitioners, members, communities, and congregations who are repeatedly betrayed by an individual, group, or community's leadership are encouraged to simply "fork" off that individual, group, community, or center and create their own new community experiment, group, community or center.
The implication is only to abandon an individual group, minister, teacher, or Universe Spirit organization if all reasonable and repeated individual and community efforts to inform, correct, or teach those individuals or the center leader(s) has failed. This encouragement to naturally fork off and create a new Universe Spirit experiment, group, community, or center when the services or organizational ethics are compromised is the single most powerful part of the evolutionary self-correcting and self-organizing open-source mechanism for keeping the Universe Spirit movement healthy, growing and self-policing!
After repeated correctional attempts to educate and evolve a serious and repeated violation of our commonly held principles and ethics, there is no longer any reason to endure individuals, communities, or organizations that redirect the Universe Spirit movement into inappropriate or unethical activities or for inappropriate or unfair personal gain or influence over others.
Never be afraid to "fork off" and create a new Universe Spirit experiment whenever you have exhausted your and your group or community's best efforts to remedy the problem and you are unable to resolve the unethical behavior in your group or community.
It is the only way we will keep the Universe Spirit movement healthy and expanding!
Never be afraid to "fork off" and create a new Universe Spirit experiment when you feel that there are advantages to the movement to form a new group or community to enhance expansion, fix a bad actor problem, improve service or conduct a new experiment in delivering Universe Spirit services that only would be possible within a new group or experiment. There is a lot to do in a short amount of time to avoid total extinction. The Universe Spirit movement can and will do much to help mitigate the worst of the coming consequences. Therefore, do everything you can to keep it safe, healthy, and expand its survive and thrive well services as fast as is possible.
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