There is a New Universe Worldview that offers a better life and a better world

Last Updated 12.19.24.


At Universe Spirit, we now call the Universe Evolutionary Worldview, the principles of Progressive Evolution, and the Universe Principles collectively "the Way of the Universe" to emphasize that they, in many ways, contain the most time-proven, reoccurring patterns of successful and sustainable action found within the 13.7 billion-year-old evolution of the universe. (Click here now to review a brief overview of what the new "Way of the Universe" is and what it involves if you have not done so already.)



Below are the critical links for explaining the New Universe Evolutionary Worldview, aka Universe Worldview. This new worldview offers humanity new, more effective, and powerful tools and a needed realistic hope for solving the many problems humanity faces globally.

Every new worldview is vital because a worldview is the most fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual or society, encompassing the whole of the individual's or society's knowledge and point of view. There have been about five new worldviews in the history of human evolution. Whenever a new worldview emerges, there is great potential for major personal and societal improvement. Each worldview reframes human knowledge, values, and experience.

The Universe Evolutionary worldview will help you live a more successful and sustainable life and help humanity manage its 12 biggest global crises. This new worldview provides more new tools and realistic hope for the future than any other previous worldview.

The emergence of the Universe Evolutionary Worldview is the the result of two foundational new developments. 

1. the principles of Progressive Evolution, and

2. the new thinking methodology for analyzing complex adaptive systems called, Dialectical Metasystemic Thinking.

Anything that helps to bring about the creation of a new worldview for humanity is truly a powerful emergence. As you will read below, this is not the first time that a new thinking methodology brought about a new worldview and a period of great advancement. 

(Please come back after reading this page and read about the two foundations that facilitated the emergence of this new worldview.)



About the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview

You will also find a code at the end of each Universe Worldview link below. The (B) is for the beginner level, the (I) is for the intermediate level, and (A) is for the advanced.


What is the New Universe Worldview? (B) (This is the most critical single link, as it is an online booklet that will take you through the basic concepts of this new worldview.)


What is the summary overview of the Universe Worldview? (I)

Why is this New Worldview so Important to Our Future? (B)

What are the practical benefits of Progressive Evolution and its Universe Worldview? (B)

What do you mean by the Universe Worldview's goal of sustainable prosperity for all? (I)

Who are some Thinkers, Authors, and Leaders of the Universe Worldview? (B)

In What Ways is the Universe Worldview Growing into a Second Enlightenment for Humanity? (I)

How Can I help spread the Universe Worldview in my local area? (B)


Other Links related to the Universe Evolutionary Worldview


What are the Universe Principles as an essential new life practice?

What is the Evolutionary Impulse and Evolution's Prime Directive? (B)


What is Human Evolutionary Potential, and What is the Goal of All Human Life from an Evolution-Grounded Perspective? (I, A)


Why is the Universe Principle of fair energy exchange critical for a successful life? (B)

Why is Evolution's Genesis Information Important to Every Non-Spiritual and Spiritual-Minded Individual? (I)

What are the four basics of Evolutionary Enlightenment? (I)

What are the Evolution 2.0 practical art-of-living skills taught by Evolution 2.0 essential for a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life? (I)

What is an Evolutioneer? Why Are They Important for a Better Future? (I)

What is Universe Consciousness, and how do I create it? (I)

What is the Essential Book List for Evolution 2.0 practitioners, Evolutioneers, Universe Community Members, Planetary Citizens, and Universe Citizens? (B), (I) and (A).


There is much more about the new Universe Worldview in the secular section of our FAQ.

If you are uncertain about humanity's 12 greatest global crises, click here.



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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers