Begin Evolution 2.0 Practices

(Please note: B is starting level, I is intermediate level material, and A is advanced material.)

What basics knowledge should I have after my first visit to the Universe Spirit website? (B) (Read this if you did not read our First Time Visitor pages.)

What are the Four Basic Attitudes of an Evolution 2.0 Practitioner? (B)

What are the Three Great Adventures for a successful, meaningful, and sustainable life forwarded by Evolution 2.0? (B)

What are the three most critical and essential areas of human knowledge needed to achieve life success? (B)

What do I need to bring, do to explore Evolution 2.0 successfully? (B)

What is the Highest Objective Life Purpose for Both the Individual and Humanity? (B)

What are the practical art-of-living skills taught as part of the Evolution 2.0 toolset essential for a meaningful, successful, and sustainable life? (I)


How to Practice the Universe Principles of Sustainability "Right Actions," which Are Used Daily by Practitioners of Evolution 2.0

Introducing the Right Actions of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)

The Master List of Right Actions from the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B( (I) 

The Short Form Printable Version of the Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes. (B)

What the New Universe Principles of Sustainability will do for Your Life! (B)

The Universe Principles and Our Key Human Virtues (B)

The Universe Principles and the Open Source Model (I)

The Core "Value Interests" and Meta-Principles Found Within The Universe's Progressive Evolution (I) (A)

The Other Universe Principles of Sustainability for Right Attitude for Creating a Just Civilization and a Meaningful and Sustainable Prosperity (B)

Footnotes, Qualifications, and Additional Resources and Information Regarding the Universe Principles Right Actions (I) (A)


How to Practice the Universe Principles of Sustainability "Right Attitudes," which are Used Daily by Practitioners of Evolution 2.0 

Introducing the Right Attitudes of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)

The Master List of Right Attitudes of the Universe Principles of Sustainability (B)

The Short Form Printable Version of the Universe Principles of Right Actions and Right Attitudes. (B)

What the Universe Principles of Right Attitude and Right Action Will do for Your Life! (B) 

The Benefits of Using the Universe Principles of Right Attitude and Right Action (B)

The Universe Principles' Right Attitudes and the Human Virtues (B)

Why the Right Attitudes Work so Well (I) (A)

How the Universe Principles of Right Attitude Relate to Justice and Energy Management (I) (A)

The Universe's Core Evolutionary Value-Interests (A)

Important Footnotes, Research and Science Notes and Details for the Universe Principles (I) (A)


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Inspirations for Evolutioneers