What is Progressive Evolution?

Last updated 12.19.24.


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At Universe Spirit, we now call the Universe Evolutionary Worldview, the principles of Progressive Evolution, and the Universe Principles "the Way of the Universe" to emphasize that they, in many ways, contain the most time-proven, reoccurring patterns of successful and sustainable action found within the 13.7 billion-year-old evolution of the universe. (If you have not done so already, click here now to review a brief overview of the new "Way of the Universe.")

Introduction to Progressive Evolution

Progressive Evolution, sometimes referred to as Evolution 2.0, is the Next Logical Step Beyond Darwin's Evolution version 1.0 and the later New Synthesis of evolution theory, Evolution version 1.5.

Our nonprofit organization has been a leader boldly speaking out about the breakthrough and ramifications of the new analysis breakthroughs concerning the progressive directionality of evolution as a system. On this website, you will find the most current information about Progressive Evolution, specifically the progressive directionality, values, goals, and even the possible "end of evolution" possibilities of universe evolution. 

You will find an open dialogue about these new science-grounded meta-principles and meta-processes of evolution and what they mean for the future of humanity, individual human purpose, and improving and evolving our governments, economics, societies, religions, and deteriorating environment.

The principles of Progressive Evolution are one of the two pillars behind the critically important emergence of the new Universe Evolutionary Worldview. The second pillar behind the emergence of this new Universe Evolutionary Worldview is the development of a new methodology for analyzing complex adaptive systems called Dialectical Metasystemic Thinking.


The Good News of Progressive Evolution

The discoveries and principles of progressive evolution offer humanity critical new tools and a realistic, practical, and great new hope that they, (as Evolutioneers,) can resolve the rapidly escalating 12 global crisis and avert a Great Global Collapse. (Evolutioneers practice the "Way of the Universe and are activists working to create a Great Global Rebirth.)

If the world keeps going the way it is now, humanity will most likely eventually experience a Great Global Rebirth., but unfortunately, it will most likely only happen after it has experienced a Great Global Collapse. Even if humanity can't save itself in time and experiences a great global collapse, the principles of progressive evolution will help humanity learn from the experience and build a better world 

Learn about the practical and realistic hope Progressive Evolution principles can offer your personal life, community, or nation.


Begin exploring Progressive Evolution by clicking here for our brief online Progressive Evolution booklet. 


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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers