The Great Global Rebirth

Under Construction 11.11.24.

What is the Great Global Rebirth?

It is a vastly improved and evolved version of our economic, social, and political systems because, if we do not improve and evolve these systems, global civilization will collapse and humanity will go extinct in about 3-7 decades.

The necessary evolution of these systems will do many things to first make the world more sustainable for all human and biological life and then make it more equitable and just for All of the Earth's communities and nations.

How will the Great Global Rebirth come about?

Unfortunately, this essential rebirth will not occur until the global and national economic, social, and political systems that are currently resisting the required changes needed to save humanity and the future have collapsed. These systems have been so corrupted by vested interests and other problems they no longer represent the ongoing well-being of their citizens or the world.

Current economic, social, and political systems will fight and delay the necessary sustainability, justice, and other collective wellbeing improvements until the consequences of our 12 current largest global crises trigger a Great Global Collapse and mass extinction. After the painful collapse and mass extinction, there will be groups and communities of wise survivors who saw this coming and not only prepared for the painful and horrifying collapse but also prepared for and began adapting to what would be needed for the Great Global Rebirth as well.

Before any survivors can begin creating the Great Global Rebirth, these survivors also likely may have to endure a new Dark Age that could last post-collapse from a few decades to several centuries. Thinking that survivors of the Great Global Collapse will have it easy is a great mistake.

They will witness and endure the horrors of watching the global collapse and mass extinction unfold while at the same time struggling to survive all of its consequences and threats. Yet, despite the unimaginable hardships, there will be many individuals and groups who will choose to survive and become a co-creator of the future distant Great Global Rebirth. (This Members page also has more about how hard it will be for the survivors.)

The main reasons why anyone would want to survive the Great Global Collapse besides the obvious, that they and their loved wants want to live in relative comfort and stability for longer than those who have not prepared for what is coming, is as follows:

1. They know that even though the adds of even well-prepared, well-organized groups surviving is very low, they know that just the effort of trying to survive and eventually create the Great Global Rebirth will fill their lives with meaning, direction, and worthwhile purpose as well as amazing relationships with those other courageous souls who also choose to be partners with them in what will certainly become the greatest evolutionary challenge and adventure of human history. They know that those individuals and groups that were unaware and unprepared for the Great Global Collapse will have their lives guided for the most part by nothing more than the directionless needs of their immediate struggle to survive.   

2. They know that even though the adds of even well-prepared, well-organized groups surviving is very low, they still want to try because it is the right thing to do and some groups and communities just might make it to take the lessons of the great collapse and use them to create a Great Global Rebirth.

3. For future generations they feel an obligation to try to save and salvage whoever they can and whatever they can from the best and most beautiful parts of our civilization. They believe that saving something, particularly, in this case, is always better than saving nothing!

Before covering the many beneficial characteristics and ideas of the Great Global Rebirth it is first necessary to cover the key causes of the Great Global Collapse. Without that knowledge, we might just repeat the same mistakes.

The Deep Widely Unrecognized Causes of the Great Global Collapse

This website has discussed in detail the many global warming-driving consequences and tipping points worsening our 12 largest global crises which are creating the Great Global Collapse. But, there are other deeper causes than the obvious causes of the 12 current largest global crises. These are the problems we will have to fix within the Great Global Rebirth.

The deep underlying and prime collective problems are:

1. Overpopulation

2. Overshoot, (Resource demand that is over and beyond that resource's regeneration or renewal capacity.)

The deep underlying and prime individual problems are:

1. For 7000 years of human civilization we have considered ourselves something separate from or above nature. Our anthropomorphic (human-centered at the expense of all other biological life) views are also a root cause of the Great Global Collapse.

"It is an astonishing thought that we can completely destroy this planet, make it uninhabitable, and ensure the extinction of our species and countless others, without violating a single law." Edward Teddy Goldsmith

2. We have evolved exclusively anthropomorphic legal and structural systems because of our disconnect from the natural world. These laws and systems perpetuate unlimited growth and the destruction of the very biological and climate systems upon which we depend for our survival.

"It is not just immoral, it is evil to irreparable harm to the future for short-term personal or institutional gain. Yet we have an economic system supported by governments on every continent and accepted by adherents of every faith ensuring that it is not only legal to betray posterity it is profitable --- highly profitable!" Michael Dowd

3. We are frogs in a pot on a stove and our evolutionary hardwiring will not let us recognize the problem in time to do anything about it.

It's important to discuss each one in order to bill the solutions to the Great Global Rebirth that will be effective and lasting. As difficult as it seems to understand, at the deepest levels, the current global warming emergency and many of the world's other 11 major global crises also are directly or indirectly caused by an energy management concept called overshoot. Overshoot simply means that resource demand is over and beyond that resource's regeneration or renewal capacity. 

Excessive demand leading to overshoot is driven by both consumption and population. Right now, the human population's need and demand for the Earth's resources has well exceeded the Earth's capacity to regenerate those resources. 

One also could call overshoot an environmental and energy management ignorance or even greed in simple moral or ethical terms. But, whatever you call it, our taking more resources from the Earth than the Earth can renewably supply or resupply is the single deepest cause of today's major global problems, our air, water, and land pollution, as well as many avoidable economic and social inequalities. 

While our current global warming emergency is directly caused by burning fossil fuels and polluting the atmosphere with carbon, methane, nitrous oxide, etc., for its complete long-term solution, it is critical to address the deeper, underlying ecological, economic, social, and energy management overshoot issues. Unfortunately, many of the same overshoot issues allow most of our 11 major global crises to worsen.

The opposite of overshoot is creating a sustainable population level to its available resources. This is commonly known as the carrying capacity of an area

For humanity to live within its carrying capacity and not overshoot its resources, we will have to do something new, which we call living the principles of Sustainable Prosperity.

As you read about Sustainable Prosperity in this booklet, you will discover the many social and economic overshoot issues hidden behind our inability to create long-term successful global warming solutions. You will also learn the deepest solutions to many of our 11 major global crises.

If we do not quickly apply the principles of Sustainable Prosperity to our lives, livelihoods, and societies, we and humanity will become a "dead man walking" who will be unable to slow or stop our own ecological, economic, and social demise.

(After you have finished the following overshoot preventing Sustainable Prosperity booklet, please click the following two links to review Part 1 and Part 2 of the Job One for Humanity Plan. They will provide essential preparation and adaptation steps for managing the global warming emergency and the other world crises realities we all are now facing. We also recommend reading the book Overshoot: The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change by William Catton.)

Only by once again living within the constraints of our natural systems will we be able to resolve the overshoot problem. (To help you with the principles and actions for how to do this please see our free online Sustainable Prosperity manual.

Beyond overshoot is that we have considered ourselves something separate from or above nature. We see ourselves somehow outside of the very ecological and climate systems upon which we depend for our survival. This egotistical "othering" of nature and natural systems has led to a near endless list of bad social, economic, and political decisions. 

Collectively, we will need to work out the education and other processes that will allow humanity to re-integrate as a part of the natural systems dependent and inter-dependent with it.

To resolve the problem of our having evolved legal and structural systems which perpetuate unlimited growth and the destruction of the very systems upon which we depend for our survival is going to take a major rebuilding of those systems once they have collapsed in the Great Global Collapse. Those systems are so resistant to change that it will be impossible to significantly or effectively change them in a system that heavily rewards they're not changing.


Dowd Here’s the painful truth about our situation being “over”:

No matter…

    • how massive and effective is nonviolent civil disobedience…
    • who, or which party, is voted out or elected into public office…
    • how many people change their habits, become vegan, stop flying…
    • how many miraculous, AI-driven technological advances are made…
    • how successful we are at instituting a GND, or greening capitalism…
    • how rapidly we shift to “renewables” or achieve “net zero” emissions…
    • how much “evolution of consciousness” occurs in the next decade or two…
    • how many accords, what is pledged or agreed to, what laws are enacted…
    • how many people commit to regenerative and restorative soil building practices…

… a dozen or more tipping points are already in the rear-view mirror. For example, each of the following is two or three decades into unstoppable, rapidly increasing and cascading, out-of-control (runaway) mode…

    • Loss of the world’s ice (Arctic, Greenland, W. Antarctica, mountain glaciers)
    • Methane belching: permafrost, hydrates, clathrates, gas & oil wells, wetlands
    • Ocean acidification, deoxygenation, 25+ feet rise in abrupt non-linear ways
    • The great conflagration of the world’s forests — out-of-control CO2 emissions
    • Loss of most animal and plant species on land and in lakes, rivers, and oceans
    • Increasingly severe & deadly weather (storms, floods, droughts) and wildfires


  1. Human beings are the pinnacle of evolution and the smartest, most advanced creatures on Earth.
  2. Humans can prosper and progress within an abruptly changing climate and toxic, collapsing biosphere.
  3. We can forestall collapse by reducing emissions, shifting to renewables, and greening the economy.
  4. Industrial civilization has eternal life, therefore there’s no urgency to prevent potentially dozens or hundreds of nuclear meltdowns.
  5. There is still time to avoid catastrophic tipping points and the extinction of Homo colossus (and possible extinction of Homo sapiens).
  6. There’s nothing we can do to avoid worst-case scenarios.


  1. G🌎D is either supernatural or G🌎D doesn’t exist.



Leadership that is community well-being centered rather than self-centered. We must find a way to keep immature greedy ignorant individuals out of positions of power. True service to the public well-being is the only key qualification for two positions of power.

Benefit conclusion

Well we have many individual levels of dysfunction to resolve it will be our collective dysfunctions and delusions that will kill us

We will no doubt full fall short of what we aspire to because we are still and always evolving apes fully part of it not separate from the natural systems. As evolving apes we have all of the biological baggage of our ancestors hardwired into our systems.

The end of the world might not be so bad if it is the end of the world of doing all the wrong things for our collective well-being and the future of our biological life on the planet. Michael Dowd

Our industrial civilization must be greatly modified and scaled back so that collective well-being and the well-being of biological life can go on.

The following are the many great benefits and the good news we will experience as we create together the Great Global Rebirth. (Please note, to allow this to happen, at the minimum, we must come close to achieving the critical 2025 global fossil fuel reduction targets:

Benefit 1 - Having a beautiful world and having any livable future that we get --- if we make the right choices fossil fuel reduction choices

Imagine a world with clean, fresh air that did not kill us or make our children ill. Imagine a world of new livelihoods and lifestyles where former fossil fuel workers transform our transportation system. Imagine them building fast, green bullet trains and expanding universal access to self-driving electric vehicles eliminating the need for most private transportation and parking lots.

Now imagine existing parking lots and the roofs of our many buildings becoming organic gardens or parks or, solar panel farms. Imagine our cities transformed into safe and healthy places and healthy forests, soils, waterways, and oceans again helping to clean our air and water and feed us sustainably.

Imagine we make the right 2025 global fossil fuel reduction target choices, and in doing this, we also become good stewards of the world and our futures.

And finally, imagine that we have preserved the hope for both ourselves and for future generations that life will go on and that the quality of our lives will get better. By acting responsibly now we get to experience and preserve for ourselves and future generations the opportunity to survive and thrive and experience a sustainable prosperity.

Benefit 2  - When we fix the global warming emergency we also help fix many of the world's other major critical challenges.

When we work together to resolve the single greatest disruptor and threat multiplier and threat amplifier of the 21st century (climate change and accelerating global warming,) we will be simultaneously reducing many of the negative consequences of the world's environmental and other most critical systemic challenges. 

Here is a brief listing of some of these other critical global challenges that will improve as we get global warming under control:

general environmental degradation, (Fixing the global warming emergency will force us all to live more sustainable lives and livelihoods.)

the loss of animal and plant biodiversity (This is because of global temperature rise and other global warming pollutants.)

resource depletion, to resolve global warming, we will be forced to live far more sustainable lives and livelihoods. This new sustainability will lead to a wiser and reduced use of non-renewal and renewable resources. 

the escalating pollution of our air (with carbon methane, and other greenhouse gases.)

the escalating pollution of our lands (with acid rain and other pollutants.)

the escalating pollution of our seas and waters (by overheating them and from the carbon fallout turning our waters more carbonic making it more difficult for many animals of the seas to survive.)

rising mass migrations (growing climate change-driven mass migrations of desperate climagees harm multiple environments and animal populations.)

escalating conflicts, war, and terrorism (with rising mass migrations and resource depletion because global warming is destroying crops, water, and so many other human and animal resources, there will be more conflicts.)

increasing global economic instabilities (all of the above will cause far more global economic instability.)
new COVID-19 like pandemics and other new or old epidemics will likely occur every decade. (This is because of the stresses put on the world's health systems and all of the previous issues.)

increasing political instability and collapsing governments (This is because of all of the earlier issues.)

growing economic inequality, social and racial injustice, hunger, and poverty (with failing governments and rising conflicts, the resolution of economic inequality, social and racial injustice, hunger, and poverty will suffer.)

our failure to evolve effective global governance, (Solving the global emergency of global warming will require us to evolve more effective global governance.)

overpopulation, to be able to live the sustainable lives and livelihoods that we must eventually live to get global warming under control, we will also have to collectively realize that our current population of about 8 billion far exceeds the carrying capacity of the Earth (about 1 1/2 to 2 billion people.) At that point of collective insight, we will install global incentives and policies to get Earth back to a sustainable population level without overshoot. On the other hand, suppose we fail to self-regulate human reproduction and the accelerating global warming emergency. In that case, nature will reduce the population for us through the process of global collapse. (To see what an overpopulation global warming-driven global collapse process would look like, click here.)

As we resolve global warming, we will also be making most of the world's critical global challenges (above) far, far easier to resolve! Additionally, most of our best social, economic, and political values, goals, and human rights will also become far easier and more probable to achieve once we get our accelerating global warming emergency resolved. (Those values, goals, and human rights are shown in the Sustainable Development illustration below)

We can build a new world of far greater peace and security in the world by fixing global warming! 



Said in a slightly different way, here are just a few of the potential evolutionary changes in values, goals, and processes that will be far easier to improve or make once accelerating global warming is under control. We will be better able to:

a. end racial and educational justice, 

b. create universal healthcare, 

c. end wealth and income equity, 

d. create housing and employment equity,

e. reduce our destructive consume/pollute/waste consumerism, 

f. end critical resource depletion and create resource rebalancing, 

g. allow for the return and strengthening of biodiversity because of reduced pollution and encroachment into natural habitats, 

h. create the next evolutionary economic fair exchange system beyond our current corporate greed-based capitalism. This new economic system will not rely upon the false fundamental principle of unlimited growth within the closed and limited Earth system. And,

i. create effective global governance based on the collective wellbeing of all planetary citizens vs. our current corporatocracy for the benefit of a wealthy few that we have now. (To begin to repair corporatocracy we would need to remove all personhood rights from corporations, hold them strictly responsible to the principles of the triple bottom line and make them pay for all pollution and harm they have caused exporting their waste and pollution upon the public commons.) 

All of the previous items will help build a sustainable prosperity and a just and equitable future for ALL of humanity, including all of the biological life which also sustains us. All of the above things can help create a global civil society with individual human rights and responsibilities held in appropriate balance with community and government rights and responsibilities. (To learn more about the many new principles of the sustainable prosperity of the future, click here.)

Before reading on, please take a moment and visualize how much better your life and our world will be when all of the beautiful values and goals listed below are improved and achieved! (To see the expanded details on the 12 other critical global challenges we must face and resolve to have a future, click here.)  

Resolving global warming will allow us to make continuing progress on addressing all of the world's other critical systemic challenges! On the other hand, if we do not get global warming emergency resolved, and the climate continues to de-stabilize at the current rate, there will be no practical way to fix the other global challenges or to make continued progress on or ever realize most of the above Sustainable Prosperity and Development values, goals, and human rights. (To see a detailed and expanded description of each of humanity's other critical global challenges to better understand how important it is for us to manage our global warming emergency, click here.) 

Please note that even if we fail to manage global warming and endure an international collapse process (as described here), we can still achieve the many benefits in Benefit 2 above. This success is possible because almost all institutions, organizations, and governments supporting the policies that either block or that make the above benefits impossible to achieve will have themselves collapsed! Thus, for the young survivors who have learned the lessons from this great global trauma there will be fresh, cleared "ground to build anew." On this cleared ground the Great Global Rebirth can take place. The survivors can build new more sustainable systems and structures from the ground up that will finally resolve almost all 12 of the current global crises.

Benefit 3If we start immediately, and we can work together using an effective, prioritized plan like the one we have created called the Job One for Humanity Plan, many of us will still survive and thrive the many now unavoidable global warming consequences. In order to create the best possible outcomes for ourselves and those we love, we are still able to squarely face this emergency and prepare for and adapt to it. (Click here for how to get started on the just upgraded Job One Plan to protect you and your loved ones, and start making the best of our difficult global warming emergency!)

Benefit 4 - We now face herculean challenges and unavoidable chains of catastrophes from the global warming emergency as well as the world's 11 other critical systemic challenges. The global warming emergency will cause many individuals to re-examine their lives, lifestyles, and livelihoods. These chains of catastrophes will be powerful catalysts for change that may not have occurred if we were not so challenged! 

When deeply understood these catastrophes will create life-changing and life-empowering moments of metanoia (in most of its wonderful meanings here,) and catharsis. These catastrophes will help us and even force us to embrace new values and behaviors and take the new paths needed to ensure a better future for all. 

Benefit 5  - Without a doubt, accelerating global warming is the single greatest collective adaptive challenge and evolutionary adventure in human history. As the single greatest "exterior" global threat and disruptor humanity has ever faced, it will eventually and literally force us to transform and grow in global cooperation, evolutionary maturity, and as one human family. Our accelerating global warming will inevitably force us into new levels of local, national, and international climate cooperation.

Seen from this transformational perspective, our global warming emergency may also become the greatest opportunity in human history for intentional, well-reasoned social, economic, and political evolutionary growth. If humanity wants to survive this emergency, it will force humanity to live far more sustainable lifestyles and livelihoods. 

In resolving this emergency, we also will be forced to pilot new and more effective models of global governance. In fact, we will have to evolve some effective form of global governance with legislative, executive, and judicial powers or we will not be able to solve global warming in time.

Benefit 6 - There are unique spiritual, purpose, meaning, and character-building benefits for individuals and faith communities in dealing with this global warming emergency and forwarding a global ecological, economic, and political re-balancing process. The fact that with accelerating global warming we are truly facing mass to total extinction within our lifetimes will likely serve as a catalyst to bring many individuals closer to the Great Mystery and origin of life. re-balancing process. Working through the challenges of this evolutionary adventure will be equally or even more rewarding, not only in having a safer and healthier world but also in increasing the overall meaning and purpose we bring to our lives.

Benefit 7 - We are intelligent and adaptive beings and we are able to resolve or adapt to almost anything. As we fully engage with ending the global warming emergency and the climate re-stabilization process (using the Job One for Humanity Plan), we will also be continuing to advance the natural foundation for long-term Sustainable Prosperity for everyone. (By being forced toward a sustainable future to survive, we create hundreds of millions of new, well-paid green energy generation and transition jobs.)

Benefit 8 - Evolution will also teach us through pain, loss, stress, and discomfort. Modern society has become obsessed with convenience, comfort, consumption, and waste. The world is now moving in the wrong direction when you view the global systemic challenges it now faces.

The mess we have put ourselves in with global warming and the other global challenges is going to cause us a lot of now unavoidable pain, loss, stress, and discomfort until we adapt and make the needed changes. If we do not adapt, we will die off as a species. We will adapt because almost all people change when "the pain going forward is less than the pain of staying where they are." 

Benefit 9 - Those of us who do survive and thrive through this emergency will likely do so in part by creating new eco-communities and more sustainable towns and cities. These new eco-communities and towns and cities will be more in harmony with the natural world and become "beacons of light" and living examples that will demonstrate that some of us have learned how to live sustainably and as one human family. Hopefully, the new eco-communities will have evolved and be overseen by a cooperating and facilitating new global governance system working for the common benefit of ALL humankind, and not for just wealthy individuals or corporations or narrow national interests.

Benefit 10  - it is your privilege, honor, and responsibility should you choose to accept it, to be a part of the forward-thinking team and movement to help prepare and adapt as well as to save and salvage whatever we can, while we are also doing every we can to slow down the ongoing and near-unavoidable mass extinction event, while at the same time we work tirelessly toward preventing a total extinction event. It is hard to imagine a more meaningful, exciting, and wise way to live and to protect yourself, your family, and future generations while living out as comfortably as possible whatever years you may have left.

Benefit 11 - We can trust 13.8 billion years of evolutionary progress, success, and momentum to help get us through this emergency and adaptive challenge. All of us will not make it through the Great Global Collapse, but hopefully, enough us will to carry on the human race and the best of our civilization.

Benefit 12 - Although it will take centuries or thousands of years, once we do stop adding new carbon and methane pollution to our atmosphere each year, we can (or the Earth will) eventually establish a new and stable global average temperature and climate. 

Benefit 13 - In some ways, from the broadest possible evolutionary perspective, the global warming emergency and our other 11 systemic global challenges can be seen through the lens of being just another period of evolutionary compression and regression. Despite our great technological advances, this social, economic, and political compression caused by many new stressful challenges and what looks like a collective human maturity period of retrogression is a natural reoccurring part of our evolution where evolution seeks to reach higher levels of unity and cooperation. (For More on this evolutionary compression and regression issue click here as well as for more and expanded positive perspectives on our current emergency and global challenges.) 


Never forget that we still can create the world in which we and future generations will love to live. We can build a new world of far greater peace and security. To do this, first we have to get the global warming emergency resolved!

What Good Government looks like


What Governments Need to Do to Be Supported by the Population and Be Seen As Legitimate:
promote the common life goals, vision, and worldview supported by the majority of the population. (Or, it must provide a new and better worldview.)

provide for the education of the population on common goals, values, and needed skills, 

create and maintain public works infrastructure such as water, waste management, energy, communications, monuments, 

provide for sanitation and basic health care for its population, particularly children,

provide for the delivery of food and other materials through highways, bridges, etc. and storage facilities, 

provide for maintaining internal order in the form of law, police, courts, etc., 

provide for external defense, 

provide for the creation, management, and distribution of adequate reserves of food and other critical items vital to the resilience of society should there be a catastrophe,

provide temporary emergency services and survival reserves to the portions of the population hit by natural or other emergency and, 

promote the common culture and art.


Work to be done yet on this page

(Nappi Rational evolutionary legitimization is the wave of the future.)

Governments are legitimate when they establish public order, provide dispute resolution and defense against external enemies and provide luxury goods and support mark distinctions of rank. This is mostly for chiefdoms. 
Managerial role of government The state must manage more and more complex information sources, economic differentiation within the society requires centralized hierarchy or manage storage and recent distribution of goods and produce that manages internal and external trade
The internal conflict rule of government: the state arose to protect the privilege of a limited few with preferential with preferential access to resources.
The external rule of government: the state rose to protect a population from exterior threats from other populations.
The synthetic rule of the rise of governments suggests that all of the above created governments and states.
The conflict theory of government and the rise of the state states that the state emerged out of the needs and desires of individuals and subgroups of the society. The state. In this view is based undivided interest on domination and exploitation on coercion and is primarily stage for power struggles. More specifically, the governing institutions of the state were developed this course of mechanisms to resolve inner society conflicts arising out of economic stratification. Thus, the state serves to maintain the privileged position of a ruling class that is largely based on the exploitation and economic degradation of the masses. In this theory, the differential acquisition of wealth has led to their to hereditary nobility monarchy, slavery, and wars of pillage to secure the new sources of wealth against older Communistic community traditions. The resulting class antagonism, and resulting class antagonisms, the state was developed. (If the conflict theory has high dominance. It means that community creation. In a capitalistic society is the last thing they want to have occur communities sharing, etc. and parentheses. To the wealthy. The population is a source of production to exploit the environment!
Integration list theories of the rise of government are based on the needs of society, namely shared rather than divided social interested interest, common advantages and set of dominance and exploitation; consensus, not coercion, and the societies as integrated systems rather than as stages for power struggles in the inner gross integrationist theory governing institutions of state that are developed to centralize coordinate and direct disparate parts of society.  (What is actually going on the ideals of democracy or the reality of the conflict theory?)
Integration list argue the complexity and stratification arose because of the stresses and pinching upon human populations and were positive responses to those dresses. Complexity, then serves population wide needs, rather than responding to the selfish ambitions of a few. Integration in this view is socially useful, and if differential rewards accrue to high status administrators that is a cost that must be borne to realize benefits of centralization.
Work utilitarian cooperation is essential for survival, hoarding and self-aggrandizement simply not tolerated. It is already in its it is only an societies ready, following a trajectory of developing complexity that such tendencies are allowed expression. Why is this? Can it be that the fulfillment of individual ambition in certain contexts as societal wide benefits just as its suppression does in in other settings?
And integration theory, the differential benefits accruing to those who fulfill societywide administrative roles are seen as compensation for performing the socially most important functions. The cost of social stratification are necessary evil which must be borne to realize its integrated benefits.
Compensation of elites does not always match the contribution to society, and throughout their history, elites, it probably didn't overcompensated relative to performance more than the reverse. Open parentheses adjusting the compensation of elites in the wealthy to better reflect the actual value of integration, justice, or other critical services that they're offering to society would be a better or a good more focused way of resolving current social problems.)

Human evolution has proceeded from lower to higher cost as complexity increases. In many cases this thing, this increased more costly complexity will you yield no increase benefits, at other times, the benefits will not be proportional to the added costs. For example, as him military apparatus increases in complexity, its administrative costs increased disproportionately. (This means that it is inherent in natural that administrative bureaucracies have to grow as a society grows and becomes more complex. We cannot have less bureaucracy and administration. As we evolve, we actually need more. Paradoxically, efforts to cut down administrative bureaucracy and eight society, growing more complex will actually make this society, less functional. Since we have to have growing bureaucracies and administration for growing complexity. We have to find a way to make those bureaucracies as energy efficient as possible, or eventually they will drain the society into collapse. So it is not a matter of eliminating bureaucracy and government, but simply making it more efficient on a energy level so that they can do what it has to do in the evolution of complex growing societies. Wow)
Has complex systems add more parts. There is a greater need for coordination among the existing and new parts. Principle.
Principle and technological systems. The potential for catastrophic accidents increases solely by virtue of more complex linkages among the parts. Therefore, the cost of preventing accidents must also rise in complex systems! Any complex hierarchy must allocate a portion of its resource base to solving the problems of the population administers, but it also must set aside resources to solve the problems created by its own existence, and created by virtue of overall societal complexity.




No doubt about it. It is going to be very painful and difficult to go through the great global collapse to get to the great global rebirth.

The great global collapse will help restore a balance that we as humans have not been able to establish. If we are lucky the great global rebirth will establish the customs in law's needed to maintain a sustainable balance with all of nature.

Democracies can only exist where there is an ecological surplus.



Will come about through great pain and sacrifice link to challenges in member eco-community section and to great global collapse.

As resources lessen Competition and intense conflicts will go off and human values will become less important to and subjugated to be getting in receiving of the necessary resources

Accelerating global warming and its consequences will calls the fall of democracies around the world because democracies depend upon ecologically favorable conditions to create abundance. When unfavorable ecological conditions exist and competition rises human values and human rights take a secondary position to the rationalizations of one survival needs. Fucking great.


You have to create a new non-United Nations expectation of a lowered standard of living a new meaning and value other than consumption and products. Any promotion of a higher standard of living will create disenchantment conflict disillusionment deviant behavior and all kinds of problems in the world of limited capacity and massive existing overshoot

For benefits link to existing surprise benefits


Tantier govt benefits article goes here kinked to Dowd Images 


sList our the role of new spirituality ecosprituality the role of a spiritual philosphy is to insure that the future will not be compromised by the present dowd on religion.


Do a big rethink of the goals and purposes of the post-collapse future review more key points from the simplicity movement the D growth movement and the sustainability mom movement as well as the universe principles!


we need to radically change the way society functions in order to be sustainable.


technology will NOT solve environmental problems LINK TO APPROPIATE TECH AND NEW TECH COPY

failure to recognise affluence as a driver for ecological destruction negates their ability to act to stop it. Instead tokenistic measures, like renewable energy, supplant calls for meaningful systemic change.

“[Capitalism] takes living communities, it converts those into dead commodities35, and then those dead commodities are turned into private wealth. And a lot of people think, well, if we just make that into public wealth, we all could get an equal piece of the pie, that’s the solution. The problem is that’s not going to be a solution because you’ve still got the first two parts of that equation. Why are we taking the living planet and turning it into dead commodities? That’s the problem…

Our complicity: There are uncomfortable parallels between Peck’s insights into Holocaust denial, and the denial of the crimes of colonialism, and the everyday denial of the damage that affluence and material consumption are causing to the entire planet. From the horrors of resource mining40, to the devastation of the oceans by plastics, such evidence represents a constant ‘background noise’ in the modern media. A noise people have learned to ignore, in order to keep functioning amidst the cognitive dissonance of their everyday, disconnected lives. The fact that they will not engage with the issue, as outlined in ‘Bright Green Lies’, is that people innately know the extent of their own complicity. To do so, ‘would shatter our image of the world and force us to question ourselves’.

Solurions??? ___ Mainstream environmentalism, as the film outlines, is its own worst enemy. In advocating ephemeral, consumer-based solutions to tackling ecological breakdown, it creates its own certain failure. Unfortunately, unless the counter-point to that, the ‘deep green’ argument, is able to give people the confidence to accept and let go of industrial society, it will not make progress either. I think this film almost gets there; but we need to focus far more on the workable, existing examples of people living outside of that system to give people the confidence to make that internal, ‘leap of faith’. For those who want to follow this road, and perhaps provide those examples, this film is a good starting point to build from.


According to a 2020 study published in Scientific Reports, if deforestation and resource consumptioncontinue at current rates they could culminate in a "catastrophic collapse in human population" and possibly "an irreversible collapse of our civilization" in the next 20 to 40 years. According to the most optimistic scenario provided by the study, the chances that human civilization survives is less than a 10%. To avoid this collapse, the study says, humanity should pass from a civilization dominated by the economy to a "cultural society" that "privileges the interest of the ecosystem above the individual interest of its components, but eventually in accordance with the overall communal interest.


  1. Nafeez, Ahmed. "Theoretical Physicists Say 90% Chance of Societal Collapse Within Several Decades". Vice. Retrieved 2 August 2021.
  2. ^ Bologna, M.; Aquino, G. (2020). "Deforestation and world population sustainability: a quantitative analysis". Scientific Reports. 10 (7631): 7631. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-63657-6. PMC 7203172. PMID 32376879.

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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers