Have you considered joining a sustainable or intentional community because of deteriorating national or global conditions?

Job One for Humanity and Universe Spirit are now working together to create many new urban, suburban, and rural sustainable communities around the world as briefly described below.

If you are interested in helping us or learning from what we are doing, send us an email as described below.

About these communities

To deal with the accelerating global warming emergency and these 11 other most critical global challenges, we have started creating the first of many sustainable eco-communities. These new communities will have a high potential to survive and thrive in the safer global warming locations and have the best chance to survive the 11 other major global challenges that are rapidly worsening.

These communities are designed to be places for the best of appropriate modern technology, sustainable gardens and farms, (an agrihood) net-zero energy construction, a focus on lifelong ongoing personal growth and education, off-the-grid independence, green energy generation, complete recycling, and environmentally sensitive policies.

They will also be places where humanists, individuals who value rationality and science, and individuals with progressive and tolerant spiritual practices will always feel comfortable and valued.

These intentionally designed communities will have a new system of personalized direct democratic management that will better serve the community's wellbeing. They also are designed with a new and equitable fair exchange, meritocracy-driven economic model. 

These communities are also being developed using open-source models. Anyone joining and contributing may use all of the information we have assembled and branch off on their own at any time to form their unique urban, suburban, or rural new community.

We currently plan for the first rural community to eventually have up to 500 people, so we are looking at land purchases up to 2,000 acres for it.

To give you a good example of our survive and thrive community design established on deep and time-tested scientific, spiritual, and philosophic values and meanings, click here, then read this online booklet about the new Job one and Univers Spirit partnership Universe Communities. (Please note, many pages in this booklet have been viewed online as many as 20,000 times.

If you want to help co-create or be a part of these new communities

Email [email protected] and put "New Sustainable Community" in the subject line. We will keep you informed with updates, connect you to your next steps in finding out more and getting involved.

And finally, we hope that someday that the new economic, political, and social models which we are creating in these communities will become a new and better model for our very, very challenging future

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  • Lawrence Wollersheim

Inspirations for Evolutioneers